I want crazy - George Russell

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A/n: hope this is ok ! sorry i've been mia. hope everyone had a good holiday

Word count: 521



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George was standing at the hotel reception. He was trying to look up flights to the UK but he didn't even know where to start and his phone was being unbelievably slow. All he wanted to do was to go home to you. He kept telling himself that he was going to be alright but he knew that without you it would be a waste of time.

His Sakhir gp had been a complete disaster. He was beyond annoyed at himself and you had been the first person he had called once he had a minute to deal with everything. You had made him feel so much better like everything was going to be ok.

That's why it was so important for George to get home to you before the next race. He needed some time away and he was set that he didn't just want another catch up call and maybe a date sometimes. He wanted to spend the days together, away from the rest of the world.

He could already see the hate he was getting online and it was more than George could handle without you there. He didn't even care that he was breaking the rules set by his trainer, he knew it would be a struggle to get into the car on Friday if he hadn't spent at least one day in your arms between now and then.

George looked up when he heard voices floating into the reception. If it was going to get him into trouble he didn't care nothing was going to change his mind. He sighed in relief when Lando and Daniel rounded the corner.

"Alright mate?" Lando asked tentatively, they'd be friends for a while and he could clearly see that something was bothering his friend.

George smiled "ah yeah, just trying to get home to my girl" he shrugged and smiled awkwardly. Lando nodded understandingly in response.

Daniel smiled "wish I could relate man" he laughed "my mum is the only girl i've got"

George laughed then too, he was glad he had run into them; they always cheered him up. What a weird pairing it was going to be next season.

"We will leave you to it, good luck" Lando said and they both walked away after saying goodbye to George.

The fact they hadn't given him any shit for what he was doing solidified it in George's chest that he was doing the right thing for him. You were all he was thinking about and he didn't even care if it wasn't easy and complicated trying to see each other despite both being busy with work. He didn't want easy, he wanted crazy. He wanted your crazy, he didn't need to play it safe if he knew he had you.

George checked his phone for the last time, flights were so difficult to get on a sunday evening apparently. It seemed as though luck was on his side as he had managed to get a seat on a flight leaving in a couple of hours. He raced upstairs to pack with only one thing on his mind: you.

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