Unlikely Pair - Yuki Tsunoda

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a/n: this is for StrayKids0712 hope its ok!

Word Count: 586



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You had been seeing Yuki for the past couple of months. Being Pierre Gasly's little sister had some perks, and Pierre had been kind enough to introduce the two of you because you were similar ages. You didn't think it was his intention that you would become so close, but you had hit it off with Yuki and so you two had decided to try it out, although you were trying to keep it a secret from Pierre.

It was relatively easy considering they were in the same team which meant it wasn't weird that you spent so much time in their garage. But you did have to sit on Pierre's side but you always stole glances at Yuki whilst he was preparing for the race. He'd give you a wink to let you know he was ok and it made your heart flutter.

You were walking towards the Alpha Tauri hospitality when you felt someone beside you. As you turned your saw Yuki's familiar face and you broke out into a smile.

"alright?" he said and you nodded in response. You didn't want to start too much of a conversation because that would bring all kinds of conversations and especially with the cameras around the paddock, the less questions the better.

Yuki had other ideas though and slyly put his hand in yours and squeezed your hand gently. You looked down and smiled.

"change of heart?" you asked, he had always wanted to keep the two of you private, partly because he was scared of Pierre and also because he was so new to F1. You didn't mind either way, you're not going to enjoy Pierre finding out about this.

You had only walked a few more steps when you heard "YUKI what are you doing with my sister" being shouted from behind you. It made Yuki jump away from you and you blushed bright red. You couldn't believe Pierre had shouted it in front of the whole paddock.

You turned and were met with a grinning Pierre standing in front of you. "did you have to do that in front of everyone?" you asked, embarrassed but it only made Pierre laugh.

"I have to say, it was not what i was expecting but it is what i was hoping for" he teased and you scoffed and rolled your eyes.

"you're unbelievable," you said as Pierre brought you into a headlock. You squirmed to get away from him and it only made him hold you tighter.

"c'mon, i don't think anyone was expecting the two of you to be together" he said and you had given up fighting him, just waiting for him to let go of you. When Pierre finally released you, he turned to Yuki.

"do you have anything to say for yourself?" Pierre asked, his eyes sparkling with mischief but trying to come across scary.

"I-I- Sorry" was all Yuki said in response and looked at the floor. It made Pierre laugh and you smiled reassuringly at Yuki when he made eye contact with you. It wasn't quite how either of you had imagined telling Pierre.

"I'm just kidding Yuki it's all good" Pierre laughed and you saw Yuki relax slightly, still unsure about Pierre's intentions.

"You two are so boring honestly" Pierre said as he put his arms round the two of you and dragged you into the hospitality tent.

Before long all three of you were laughing and joking as if Pierre hadn't just made a scene in the paddock.

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