Ghost - Charles Leclerc

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a/n: on a roll apparently lol. please let me know what you guys think! even if its rubbish i need to know hahah

word count: 471



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Charles remembered watching you leave. The fire in his chest burned his lungs and the hurt in his heart had still not subsided despite the months that had passed since he had left you. That's what he needed to remember, he had left you. Yet he was the one still hurting.

He knew he had to let you go because he was letting you down. He was never there when you needed him and despite you always reassuring him that you didn't mind that he was away almost every weekend. You were beyond understandable that racing was his life. But Charles' biggest regret was that he hadn't told you that you were his life and that he would have given up racing if you had asked. But he also knew that you would have never asked him to do that.

You were now living somewhere else, on the West Side he had heard. Living with someone else, who made you happier and had been there any time you needed him. Helped you with your exam revision and had been there when your grandad was ill, getting you whatever you needed and just being supportive. Even now Charles knew he couldn't have done that for you, just from the timeline, your exams had happened during a race weekend and your grandad had been ill for weeks all through the busiest part of the season. How on earth could he expect to compare.

Yet he continued to text you. Charles wanted you to know that he was thinking of you. That he regretted what he had done to you and that he had ended it. He knew that you would never have ended it, no matter how unhappy you were or how much you thought you loved him. You wouldn't have done it and that's why he had to. But he hadn't wanted to. Now you were living your best life loving the wrong guy. The right guy had been right there, Charles was the right guy.

He had let you go and that was the part that hurt the most. It was entirely his fault that he was in this mess in the first place. Other drivers had girlfriends and managed to make it work and yet he couldn't even do that for the love of his life. He had said he needed space, more than he already gave you from never being there. That was his mistake and Charles knew he had made his own heartbreak. He was the only one to blame.

He saw your face wherever he went. He would give everything he could to go back in time and make it up to you. Now he was sending you messages you never read just a name on the phone, nothing more.

Now Charles was just somebody you ghost.

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