how can i forget? - Alex Albon

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A/N: enjoy gang gang. a short one because i feel bad for breaking alex's heart again

Word Count:463


Alex knew you were meant for him

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Alex knew you were meant for him. From the very first moment you met he was captivated by you and he would have done anything for you. He ran through London in the rain once to try and convince you that he was sorry after you had an argument and all you had done was laugh at him and tell him off for catching a cold before pulling him into your warm embrace.

How could you have forgotten?

When you left, he didn't understand. You had said you had just fallen out of love with him and the tears that fell from your eyes showed him that you were being genuine and that you were doing it for him but he didn't understand why you couldn't stay for him to try and make you fall back in love with him.

You were the only one for him. In this life time and the next. You lit up his sky and the stars he saw in your eyes would never fade even if you had just broken his heart. You always tried to down play your beauty but you could never fool him he knew how beautiful you were and he tried to tell you every day. You tried to convince him and everyone around you that you were tough but when it was just the two of you in his apartment, he broke down your walls and he saw you for who you truly were. Someone still incredibly strong but also vulnerable and when he saw you that way, he vowed that he would protect you until the day he died.

How could he forget?

Alex dreamed about you. Standing in his room dancing to music, wearing his t-shirt, the way you would every evening before bed and he wished for nothing more than for you to still be here. He didn't want those memories to ever fade from his mind instead he wanted to continue creating them with you, but you had other ideas and crushed his heart in the process.

He remembered once when you were explaining how much you hated the world and that it took a lot for you to tolerate someone let alone like someone and he realised how lucky he was for you to like him, somehow, he had managed it.

Alex remembered you biting your lip at him as you both stumbled through the doorway of his apartment after a night out and how he had so wanted you and how much he would have given up for you if you had stayed. Before he could even recall the memory properly through his closed eyes you were gone, as quickly as you had come to mind.He sighed and got back to praticing for the next race.

How could you forget? And how could he forget you?

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