Chapter 33

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Hey, again ya'll. Hope you're having a nice day.

I wanna start off this chapter with a big, fat, massive thank you for 300.000 reads. This is... incredible. I had never, in my wildest dreams, ever as much as dared to imagine this many people reading my book when I began writing it. I love you all so much and appreciate every single little read, comment, and vote.

Oh, and I immensely enjoyed writing the last line of this chapter.

Back to the show.


The heat was everywhere. Behind me, in front of me, under me, wrapped around me. I sighed and snuggled closer. Something tickled the side of my neck. "Looove... you have to get up,"

I groaned with a pout, Allen pulling me closer. "Trust me, my Love, if I could stay in bed with you all day, I would," he placed another kiss on my neck, his stubble prickling my skin. "I'll make some breakfast for us,"

I sighed and threw my hand over my eyes, blocking out the light when I heard the curtains being pulled aside, the light shining through my closed eyelids. "Nooo... please,"

I felt the bed dip behind me once again, Allen picking up my arm and removing it from my eyes. "Get up. There will be blueberry pancakes downstairs in 15,"

"Alright..." I huffed and forced my eyes open, immediately shutting them again when the light hurt my eyes.

After I'd somehow managed to drag myself out of Allen's bed, into my own room to find some clothes, and downstairs to the kitchen, I finally took a seat by the kitchen island, my jaw resting in my hands, eyes closed.


I hummed in response, a small smile spreading on my lips at the sound of a plate being placed in front of me. "Thanks," I mumbled, fumbling around for the fork, finally getting hold of it and stabbing it into the pancakes. I half-moaned when it hit my tongue. "This is great."

He chuckled from the chair beside me. "Any chance I could convince you to open your eyes and take a look at it?"

With a sigh, I forced my eyes open, a smile spreading on my lips when I did. The pancakes were heart-shaped, the letters 'ILY' written in syrup on top. My heart felt like it was glowing in my chest, my stomach feeling warm. "Thank you, Allen, this is... very sweet," I smiled up at him, and he grinned back proudly, his chin jutting up.

"That shirt looks nice on you," he said in between bites, and I looked down, only now really noticing what I was wearing. It was a thin, portrait neckline, half sleeve shirt- pine green.

I let out a dry laugh. "Thanks, I was barely awake when I picked it out, but... thank you," I turned back to my food, a comfortable silence falling over us, only interrupted by our forks hitting the plates. I kept eating until my stomach felt like it was about to pop. But it was worth it. Nothing could ever match Allen's cooking- alright, maybe except for my pop's carbonara, but that was about it.

"And Paige..." I looked up from my empty plate. Allen looked different now. More business-y. Serious. I didn't know whether it was unsettling or hot. Honestly, I was leaving towards hot. He sighed. "Love, first of all, I'd like to remind you that what happened last night is... well, completely normal, giving the nature of our... relationship, and so, obviously nothing you should feel bad about, and also none of your parents business if you don't want it to be. And also, I want you to remember... that I care about you. I love you. No matter what your dad says. No matter what anyone says. And-"

"Allen, I know."

He paused, his eyes widening. "I... oh, then, that's... then that's great," he smiled and nodded to himself. "I just wanted to say it, in case your dad started talking shit again..." he shrugged, and placed his hand over mine, giving me a little squeeze.

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