Chapter 52

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Sorry for the very very late update. I've been stuck. Sorry.


Ares froze above me, and I froze as well, surprised by my own words. I'd agreed. This was it, he was going to mark me, and I was going to be... his. or something. I wasn't sure. With every passing day with Allen, I regretted not paying attention in biology more and more.

Ares lifted himself off of me, looking down at me with wide eyes, love swirling along with the specks of gold twinkling within them. I couldn't believe I'd once feared those eyes, when I looked at them now, they were filled only with love and adoration, just for me. It made me feel safe. And cared for.

"Ares can mark mate?" he asked then, hope so evident and soft in his voice. Careful too, like he couldn't believe it; I didn't blame the disbelief either.

I took a deep breath, nodding to him, but myself as well. Convincing us both. "Yeah, you can. I love you, Ares, and Allen too. I know you've wanted this for so long, and you are kind, sweet, and funny, and you deserve this."

His nostrils flared, a shiver passing through him as he was just staring at me.

Then he pounced.

The force threw me back against the pillows and the pillows against the headboard. His hands roamed over my body, one behind the back of my head, the other moving down. He kissed and licked and nibbled as the base of my neck, the place where it met my shoulder. He growled against my skin.

My hands immediately shot out to push him off, but he didn't budge. I kicked out with my foot, hitting his shin, this brought him out of his trance.

He stared at me, fear in his eyes. "Did mate regret? Does mate not want Ares to mark her?"

I took a deep breath, running my fingers through his hair, hopefully soothing his worries. I don't think it helped much. "No, Ares, you'll still get to mark me, uh, tonight, don't worry, I just..." I took another deep breath. "Ares this is all very new to me. I'm a little anxious because I don't know exactly what to expect of this. I understand that it won't hurt, but still, it's so new and foreign."

He furrowed his brows, concerned. "Ares doesn't understand what he's supposed to do."

Leaning forwards, I kissed his cheek, the skin reddening as I pulled away. "Just don't rush it, Ares. I'm right here. I'm a little anxious. Calm down, we're not in a hurry. Give me a bit of time to adjust as you go, okay?"

Pursing his lips, he nodded, then looked up at me with large eyes. "But Ares can still...?"

I nodded. He smiled, and then leaned forwards, placing his lips on my neck again, kissing and nibbling softly. He wasn't rushed now. He was taking his sweet time, kissing, groaning against my skin in a way that made it resonate down between my legs.

He kissed his way up my neck, his lips meeting mine. He deepened the kiss, pushing me further into the headboard. My heart picked up. If he was going to mark me... why not just let him go all the way? Become his in every way? My body was calling out for him- screaming, actually.

His kisses moved off my lips once again, moving back down my throat and neck, strong arms wrapping around me, protecting me.

And then the phone rang. Not his mobile, the real official office alpha phone in his office that was so loud you could hear it all over the house. Ares groaned, ignoring it.

As much as I didn't want to, I managed to tell him that he should probably go pick up the phone.

"No, Ares is marking mate," he mumbled against my skin, teeth scraping over the sensitive flesh at the base of my neck.

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