Chapter 37

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No Ares this chapter. Next one. I promise. Just... really wanted to update.


Cold. So cold. I squeezed one eye open, to find me and Jamar alone on the couch. Pushing myself off the couch with my arm, I looked around- just as Allen entered the room. His lips pressed together when his eyes met mine. "I'm so sorry- I just needed to get my phone. Didn't want to wake you... is he still asleep?" he looked at Jamar.

I nodded, sitting up to give Allen space to sit back down- which he did. He wrapped his arm back around me, folding it along mine, entangling his fingers with my own. "Sorry, really. I just wanted to check up how Kya and the baby were getting along..."

I shook my head. "Oh, wow, yeah... poor her. She must be terrified. And the baby... it's like, really early isn't it? And Oh my god Joshua must be out of himself, if that were me-"

Allen gently pressed his finger to my lips, effectively cutting me off. "Kya is focused on having the baby- she's not pushing yet, but Josh says she's doing great, and they have a specialist there to make sure the baby is healthy when she gets there. And... Josh is completely fine."

My eyebrow raised without me making it. "Right, 'cus you'd be completely fine if I was having a baby, got in a car accident, and then had to give birth weeks early," I shook my head.

"I wouldn't really have a choice- I'm designed that way." he shrugged.


A little chuckle left him. "I keep forgetting you refused to listen to anything in biology. Anyways; you know, when a person is pregnant, all of the hormones in their body are upside down and inside out. And because I, and all wolves, have more... instincts, and a better nose than any human, we pick up on that."


"Well, when we smell those hormones, in the air... during about the third trimester we become more relaxed. Otherwise, none of us would be able to make it through watching our mates feeling the pain of childbirth,"

He chuckled nervously. "Also the smell of amniotic fluid is like a sedative to us... because childbirth hasn't always been the safest thing for humans... and to make sure that we didn't panic and harm ourselves if the mate didn't make it through the birth, we had to be hormonally drugged to make sure we would maybe have time to consider any other possible kids there could be, or the baby that could have made it."

I took a deep breath, eyes wide. "Wow, that is... smart. Creepy, but like, evolutionarily smart." I nodded, but then my brows furrowed again. "But... the car accident. What about that? Was she hurt?"

He shook his head. "It was some jerk... he saw from a good distance away that the light was green. He decided to look down at his phone, assuming that the light would stay green... which it didn't. He only looked up last minute, hammered the brakes, and then skidded into the side of Kya's car. She got a shock, a concussion, and a few cuts from the glass... the car is wrecked, but she's alright... and the jackass in the other car is facing 5 years in jail for reckless driving, using his phone while driving, traffic endangerment, and risking manslaughter..."

"Risking manslaughter? Is that a... thing?"

Allen snorted. "Not really, but you can bet your ass that Josh is gonna make his lawyer make it a thing. He's pissed. Hadn't it been for... well the birth, then he would've definitely hunted down that asshole, and actually gotten away with murder,"

I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep myself from cackling, which would undoubtedly wake up Jamar. I shook my head, stabbing Allen in the ribs with my elbow- not that he reacted, of course.

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