Chapter 18

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It's full moon time, bitches.

This is a long-ass motherfucker of a chapter, and it is only this long thanks to @markin512 because he/she/they specifically asked for this fucking chapter to be longer than the others. So here you fucking go, 21 pages, triple length of my usual chapters.


The conversation around the table was like an annoying bee, buzzing around my head, distracting me from my down-spiral of the thought of tonight's event; the full moon.

I looked up at Ember, Dylan, and Cameron, who were talking- I have no idea about what. I could see their mouths moving, and also hear the fact that there was a conversation going on, but I couldn't focus on what it was about. "Can I ask you guys something?" I said, their conversation dying down within a second.

Ember raised her eyebrow. "Sure, what?"

My hands writhed as I looked at them, cold sweat forming in my neck. "Tonight is the full moon and I really don't know... what happens?" I looked back up with pleading eyes. Help me, please.

Embers eyes filled with realization, before a smile spread on her lips, her shoulders falling down as she relaxed. "Oh right, first full moon? Yeah, those ain't the best. It's pretty different for everyone. Stella becomes all care-takey. She wants to wash my hair, brush it, make me food, all that... it's really cute," she bit her lip, a blush spreading on her face.

Dylan put his phone down on the table. "Blair becomes so cuddly. Like, she already will not let me fall asleep without having herself completely wrapped around one of my limbs, but during the full moon she hold me in this death grip, she won't let me go anywhere, and she stays that way all night," he rolled his eyes, but he also smiled, in that ... creepy way Allen does when he looks at me.

I swallowed hard, before turning my eyes to Cameron. "What about you and... Riley, right?"

They shrugged. "Yeah. Well, we basically just... have sex. So not much different from any other night. Except they become a bit more cuddly afterward, but not even close to what Dylan's describing. Me and Riley... not really cuddly types," they shrugged again and looked back at their phone.

I shook my head, staring at the table as I did. "Yeah that... won't happen between me and Allen. Not a chance. But basically, what you're saying is that... I can't really know what to expect?"

Cameron shook their head. "Not really, no. Sorry,"

Ember put her hand on top of my, an empathetic smile spreading on her lips. "Don't worry, it usually works out pretty fine,"

"Yeah, usually," Cameron echoed. And yet their consolation did nothing to help deep, dark pit in my stomach.

I furrowed my brows. "And if it's not usually...?"

"Ask Dylan," Ember gestured with her head to Dylan, who put his phone down once again after just having picked it up.

He looked at me for a few seconds, like he was deciding something, squinting his eyes. He shook his head and clapped his hands together once. "First of all I wanna add, this was an accident, my fault really, and Blair feels bad about it to this day, so just leave her the fuck alone. But Blair... accidentally marked me," he shrugged, my eyes darting to the little scar on his neck at his words.

"Wh... what?!" I whispered, my voice suddenly vanishing at his words. Marked? As in having my throat ripped up by a row of teeth? 'By accident'?!

He threw his hand down flat on the table. "Listen, it was the first full moon, I was freaking the fuck out because... I'd never shared a bed with a girl before, oh, and the fact that she was a werewolf, which was pretty fucking terrifying at the time, so I freaked out when her eyes got all glowy and blue and I... ran, just fucking ran. Next thing I know I'm thrown to the ground and before I even realize I hear this scary-ass crunching sound and well," he shrugged and stayed quiet for a moment.

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