Chapter 63

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It's been a while since my last update, and I just have to say:

Ya'll are insistent as fuck. I love you, but like, jeez.

Also, I don't know if there was some sort of promotion for my story, or a theme week or something, maybe? My story was getting a lot of new reads for a while. I was getting 1k+ notifications every day.

Again, ya'll insistent.

Oh, and Happy (almost) New Year!


A tank top, a t-shirt, a sweater, a Thermo jacket, and a puffer. Then a pair of socks, pair of snow socks, and possibly the heaviest boots to ever exist. Long underwear, a pair of jeans, and then some snow-pants on top. All of this is what Allen required me to wear before we all headed for the cars. The rest of my family walked to our vehicles, but I was forced to waddle through the snow.

All because Allen, my beloved buffoon, was afraid I'd catch a cold.

I'd have strangled him, if the mittens on my hands hadn't rendered me positively harmless and looking like a fucking idiot. Allen smiled at me as he held the door to the passenger side of the car open, but I just swatted away the tassel of the hat on top of my head with a scowl.

I crossed my arms once in the car, glaring as Allen got into the driver's seat beside me. My nana was in the back, much to her dismay, it seemed. Pops hadn't felt well enough to go, so my father had stayed at home with him. Whether it was to spend more time with my grandfather, or to spend less time with Allen's family, I wasn't entirely certain, and frankly, I'd rather not think too hard about it.

"You can be mad about the winter wear all you want, but when my sisters are dragging you from store to store, up and down the streets in town, and probably through the park to look at their Christmaslights display, you'll be happy that you're not freezing your ass off."

I looked him up and down. "I'm more annoyed that you impose these ridiculous safety measures on me, but forget them entirely when it comes to yourself." I nodded in the direction of his jeans, simple winter boots, and singular coats over a singular cashmere sweater. 

He sent me a beaming smile. "Werewolf warmth."

"I hate you."

"I love you to, my darling."

A throat cleared behind us. With much trouble thanks to the hundred and seventeen layers of clothes, I turned around to my Nana sitting in the backseat, her arms crossed and face scrunched together an annoyance. "When I we in that town?"

"Twenty-thirty minutes. Probably on the longer side. I have snowchains on, but I'd rather be careful."

A twitch in Nana's expression. Only for a second, but I caught it; Approval. She liked that he was a cautious driver.

"So what, Paige is supposed to just walk around with your sisters and watch them shop? Or do you give her an allowance?"


Allen's smile didn't falter. "Oh no, she has a card with 15,000-ish on it. She can use them however she likes. I actually have to damn near force her to spend money whenever we go anywhere shopping is a possibility. Perhaps my sister will have better luck at getting her to actually spend some money."

I looked out the window. "You know I don't like spending your money."

"Our money, Love. What's mine is yours." He met my Nana's eyes in the rearview mirror. "So, yeah, no allowance. Money is of no matter to me whatsoever, Paige could spend all of it, if that's what she wanted. And of course, since you're my family, that applies to you as well. Tell any store owner to put any bill on my tap while you're in town, and they'll handle it."

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