Chapter 39

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We're back again.

Happy Pride month!!

Oh, and also, you may not have noticed, but I've started a new story. It's not got too many chapters yet, but I'll get there. I was more focused on updating here.

Also... not a long chapter. Sorry, ¯\_()_/¯. It's from Allen's POV though, to hopefully make up for it.


I laid awake, staring at her beautiful, gorgeous, perfect face, my chest clenching as her lips parted just a little, peace on her face. She's mine, and she loves me.

I laid my head back, the most stupid smile on my face.

She loves me.

Only took two months of torture before she did. It was nothing. Nothing whatsoever. I shook my head. Focus on the good Ally-boy. She loves you. Loves me. She loves me.

I kept repeating the words in my head, replaying the moment over and over again. Her face, soft, gentle, and beautiful as always, whispering those amazing words; 'you too'. And also, of course, the panic that followed right after. That was... something that I'd definitely have to deal with emotionally, but right now, I preferred to stay focused on the good.

Ares had, despite many protests, fucked off just two hours after Paige had fallen into a peaceful sleep, her breathing deep and even. Either, her dreams were pleasant, or she wasn't dreaming at all... I wonder if she dreams of me often?

My mind immediately went for what I would probably deem as one of the most devastating moments in my life; the one time I'd woken Paige up from her nightmare about me. The terror in her eyes when they met mine, the way she fled in an unthinking panic to her bathroom, slamming the door, desperate to keep me away from her. My poor Paige...

I wanted her to dream of me, but never like that, never again. Never, ever again.

I froze when she moved just a bit, her hand moving towards her face, running over the side of her nose. Then again. She laid it by the side of her head, her nose still scrunched up. Oh my goddess why is she so fucking adorable?

I pulled her further up my chest, resting my face in her hair. She smells amazing. I rubbed her back, a smile spreading on her face. My Love.

My phone vibrated on the nightstand beside me, forcing me to stifle a groan, and carefully reach for it. Sophia's name lit up the screen. I swear to the goddess if she needs to crash after another one of her sneak outs...

I slowly crawled out of the bed, careful not to wake Paige, and went into my office, closing the door behind me, and returning her call. "What is it this time Sosie?"

"...what makes you think there has to be something?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're calling at 3 in the morning. There's gotta be something wrong... although you are sounding a little more sober than usual... oh my goddess did you get arrested?"

"That was one time. Once. And the charges were dropped. Anyways... I was drunk but-"

"Sosie, you snuck out again? You do know that me helping you when you pull this shit is also putting my ass on the line- you know that mom will execute me."

I heard her groan from the other end of the line. "Would you shut the fuck up for like three seconds so I can say what I have to say?"

I stayed silent. She sighed. "Like I said... yeah, I snuck out... and I went to a bar, and got like, way drunk. Anyways, I was dancing with this dude, and then I needed to piss, and so I went to the bathroom, and when I get out the guy was standing there waiting for me, and at first we were kind of playful, flirting a little, you know how it is-"

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