Chapter 34

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Hey ya'll. Hope some of you read the edits I mentioned in the last chapter (and approved of them)

Anyways, just FYI, it's been a week since the last chapter by now- It's time for the double decker birthdayparty.

Love you- enjoy my shitty writing.


(One week later)

Frustration ran through my body as light began to spill in through the gaps between the curtains, and yet, I couldn't help but smile as I felt something softly grazing down the inside of my arm. "Have you gotten any sleep at all?"

I sighed and shook my head, my hair getting tangled against the pillow. "Haven't closed an eye."

Allen brought my hand up to his lips, a soft smile on his lips. "I'm sorry. But don't worry. I'll make sure that today runs smoothly- you just sit back and enjoy the birthday party, alright?"

With a nod, I returned my eyes to the ceiling, through the fabric of the bedsky.

"Do you think my dad will ever love me again?" I whispered into the air. Allen squeezed my hand.

"Of course- he never even stopped. He's just... you're just in a bit of a disagreement. However... I guess that it's more difficult when you've never tried that before,"

I shrugged, closing my eyes. "We need to get up."

"Yeah... do you..." he sighed, making my head turn towards him. His cheeks were pink. "I was thinking... do you... want to take a shower with me, Love?"

My heart skipped a beat, my mind leaving me in the second he finished speaking the words. With a deep breath I tried to regain the ability to speak "I... no, not... not yet..." I whispered, my own cheeks and ears turning red from embarrassment. He nodded with a smile.

"Fair enough, I just wanted to ask," he kissed my cheek, and then jumped out of the bed and headed for the bathroom, and I followed his example- albeit, I went to the bathroom connected to my own room. One that I hadn't made much use of for the past week- I'd mostly been in there to find clothes and books.

I let the water run over my hand until it hit a comfortable temperature and then headed in for my shower. The water cascaded down my back, soaking my hair within two seconds, making me reach for my shampoo, pressing some of it into my hair, the strawberry scent making a small smile spread on my lips.

Once I'd washed all of the shampoo out of my hair, I quickly washed my feet and armpits with my body wash -also strawberry scented- and turned off the water, wrapping a towel around my body and my hair.

I did my best to ignore the sucking, deep pit at the bottom of my stomach. My family was coming over at 3. Allen's family would be here by 6. I had to admit... I wasn't exactly excited.

Whenever I'd thought about their meeting, I couldn't help but imagine my nana getting into a fistfight with one of Allen's sisters for... whatever reason. No matter what, there was no way today would end well for anyone involved, something I had told Allen, several times.

With a sigh, I headed into my closet, immediately opening the drawer with my t-shirts, skimming over them. None of them looked particularly interesting. My eyes skipped over to the large, tall closet where I knew all of the dresses were.

I narrowed my eyes and went up to it, opening up the door. I smiled and ran my fingers over the fabric of the dress I'd worn on our date... the evening where we'd had our first kiss. My fingers kept moving to the side until an unusual color caught my eye- yellow. Most of the stuff I had was some shade of green and blue. I pulled out the dress, glancing over it.

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