Chapter 74

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This is a short chapter, but on the other hand you got it faster than you've been getting the other chapters for the past like, year and a half. 

I'm very tired, so goodnight. 

And PRETTY PLEASE!!! Vote and comment. Or just comment, honestly. Your comments are my favorites. I've been getting a little down lately, since comments are down in the dumps. I love reading your comments.

Anyway... enjoy the chapter.


I blinked my eyes open, inhaling deeply. I breathed deeply, enjoying the sensation that I actually could breathe. A little smile appeared on my lips, and I took the chance to stretch my arms and legs.

Waking up in a hospital bed probably shouldn't make me feel this relaxed.

When I turned my head, taking in the hospital room, I found that I was alone. But the signs of him were there. A fold-out bed, folded and put in the corner of the room. Blankets and a pillow neatly folded on top. A laptop on the table between the two chairs under the window.

I sat up in the bed a little more, touching my hand to my chest. Safe. I was safe. And Allen was nearby... but not here. I looked to the bedside table and just as expected found my phone. With a little smile I sent off a text message.

To: Allen

[Hey ❤️]

I laid my phone aside, resting my hands on top of my stomach, and began to wait. Counted the seconds. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8...


...43- 4

The door opened, Allen's concerned eyes meeting mine. "Love." The word left him in a breath of air.

I reached out my arms, wanting nothing else in the world than for him to touch me, hold me, never let go. He wrapped his arms around me, resting his knee on my bed as he pressed his lips to mine.

His hands come up to cup my face. He began leaning further in on the bed, climbing up with his other knee. His hands moved- one to the back of my head, gently tangling into my hair, the other wrapping around my waist, holding me close to him. His lips separated from mine, beginning to move everywhere else on my face; kissing the tip of my nose, my cheeks, my closed eyelids, along my jaw.

A wet sensation began to appear on my face, and for a moment I thought that Allen was literally drooling over me, until I heard a shaky breath. I pushed him away. "Allen, are you okay?"

His eyes were reddened. Gently, so so gently, his hand came up to my face, stroking down the length of it. "I'm just glad that you're here. That you're okay. Or, I know that you might not be okay, I know that you might be traumatized from this for the rest of your life, but you're here and, and you're alive, and I can make sure this never, ever happens again." He pulled me close and pushed my head into his shoulder. I felt his nose in my hair.

I wrapped my arms around him, feeling the tears pressing on the inside of my eyes too. "Yeah, I'm glad I'm here too." I buried my face deeper into the crook of his neck, reaching one arm up to begin caressing the hair at the back of his neck. The tears began rolling down my cheeks, and I just tried to hold onto him as tightly as possible whilst taking deep breaths. "A-a-allen," I whispered, hiccuping into his shoulder.

"I know, my love. I love you. I know." He whispered, stroking my back.

"Allen, I was so scared." I cried, clawing at the back of his neck, just to get the sensation of him against my skin. To make sure he was there, to make sure it wasn't some sick nightmare and I'dwake up back there.

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