Chapter 40

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A whisper.

"Paige? Love? Breakfast is ready,"

Something touching my hair. Getting a little cold. Something moving over my shoulders.

A laugh. "Love, come on, I made waffles. And my sister is here,"

I jumped up, my eyes burning when I opened them and the light hit me right in the face. Fuuuuck. "Wha-what? Why? Is everything okay?" I tried forcing my eyes open, but they basically screamed at me when I tried. Shit.

And then I remembered the other Very Bad Thing. 'You too'. This is so so so so so baaad. I am so screwed... and not in the way I've been seriously considering lately.

Okay, you fucked this up. Now you gotta unfuck it, you fuckhead. "Allen, about what I said... I... we have to talk abou-" once again I tried to open my eyes, but they wouldn't budge. Damn it.

"Yes, Love, we do- but let's get some breakfast in you first- once again, my sister is downstairs waiting."

I nodded, only then realizing that I was naked from below the waist. Alright. This isn't going to be my day. Faaaaantastic. I heard Allen chuckle. "Right- I'll go fetch you a pair of pants... and maybe a proper shirt,"

He left the room, and I buried my head in my hands. This is so so so bad.

Just a minute later, the door opened again, and I felt something getting thrown at me. I turned away from the light, hunching over to get the area around my face even darker, and then finally managed to open my eyes. Grey sweatpants, and a plain white T-shirt. And then I realized...

"Allen... uh..." I laughed nervously. "Where'd you put my underwear... last night?" I asked, being incredibly thankful that I couldn't look into his eyes.

"Can't you just go commando?"

I choked on my spit. "No!" What is wrong with this mannn?

"Alright, I'll get it for you, but then, please, be quick to get downstairs. Sophie's friend is handsy and I need her to quit her bullshit, and I'm pretty sure you'll be the only thing they could possibly respect- this is a rescue mission, my Love, and an urgent one at that,"

I nodded, and he smiled, and then left me alone, then popped back in, throwing a set of black underwear- I narrowed my eyes at the closed door when I noticed the amount of lace attached to it- next to me. Perverted dickhead.    

As soon as I'd put on the clothes, I headed down the stairs, poking my head into the kitchen, finding the breakfast table empty, exactly as we'd left it yesterday. I then went for the dining room, where, as I guessed, I found Allen, his sister, and three people I didn't know- a guy and two girls. The guy looked a little older than me, a hint of stubble on his face, and the girls looked around my age. The girls, along with Sophie, didn't look too good- any of them. The one with her hair cropped into a buzzcut kept her hand over her eyes, to keep the light away.

A wisp of uneasiness went through my body, but it vanished as soon as my eyes met Allen's, his face softening with a smile. I smiled back and headed for the free seat next to him. I was almost eerily quiet at the table- at least compared to the last time I'd had a meal with Allen's family.

Before I could even reach for anything on the table, Allen was already loading bread, eggs, bacon, and a waffle onto my plate. I narrowed my eyes at him, but he looked at me like were he as innocent as ever, and quickly looked back down on his own plate.

Holding back a sigh, I began eating. I looked around the table, meeting the brown eyes of the guy, sitting next to Allen's sister. He cleared his throat and smiled at me. Apparently, the sound woke up Sophie, because she suddenly looked up at me and smiled. "Oh, yeah, Paige. This is Leon, my mate," she turned her head to him and smiled, and he followed her example, and soon enough, they were resting their foreheads against the other.

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