Chapter 17

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"Are you tripping or something? Your leg-bouncing is driving me fucking insane,"

My leg froze in place as I looked at Cameron, and their wide-eyed 'stop or I'll kill someone' expression.

I shook my head. "No, sorry. Just... haven't seen my parents in a while, I'm excited to see them," I shrugged and looked out the window, my eyes drifting to the clock hanging on the wall. 2:48 PM. Just another half an hour.

Ember smiled half-sadly, shaking her head. "I ain't seen my parents in a while either- they weren't all too happy about Stella. They would've preferred for her to be a 'Sebastian' if you get what I mean, they don't wanna see me," she shrugged, a playful smile playing on her lips.

My stomach felt like it was filled with stones. "Uh, I, I'm sorry," I whispered, my brain failing to come up with a better response at her words. Her smile widened, and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry about it- I'd rather live without them than without Stella. My parents thought that if I became anything less than a doctor, I'd be a complete failure as a human being. At least Stella supports my dreams," she smiled fondly, looking down at the table.

I swallowed a bite of my sandwich. "What do you want to do?"

She blushed and bit her lip, looking down. "I want to be an artist,"

"What kind? Like, what art?"

She smiled. "Oil painting, I usually focus on human anatomy- you know, bodies, mainly women... or... woman..." she smiled and bit her lip.

I smiled, a blush traveling up my cheeks as well. Why she ... well, loves Stella, I'll never understand, but she does, and... very much so, apparently.

The bell rang loudly in the room, informing us that we had to go to our last class of the day. We picked up our stuff and trays in unison, before heading for the door. Cameron wrapped their arm around my shoulder with a smile as we headed off for our trigonometry class.


I looked out of the window by the front door, waiting for a car to show up, my foot tapping against the wooden floorboards.

"What on earth are you standing there for?" Alpha Allen asked me, walking up behind me. I kept my eyes locked on the window.

"I'm waiting for my parents,"

He chuckled behind me, and I heard him walking closer. "Listen, I have some serious doubts about the quality of education in the HSA, so I ask you, in all seriousness... you realize they won't arrive any faster just because you're looking for them, right?

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head, not even bothering to look at him."Of course, I do, I'm not an idiot. I just.... I've missed them. A lot," I rested my forehead against the glass, staring hopelessly at the driveway.

Something brushed softly against my arm, and I turned my head to find Alpha Allen pulling his hand away. "I'm sorry for keeping you from them for so long I should've arranged visits back when we weren't on speaking terms. I realize that now, I'm sorry. It will never happen again,"

Shaking my head, I looked down at the floor. "It's... okay, just, please... I hate not being able to speak to them. I use the phone you gave me all the time, I call them every day, but just... having them here is different," I shrugged.

"I know, sorry. And I'm glad you like your phone," he smiled, before his eyes shifted to the window. I turned my head, letting out an involuntary squeal at the sight of a car slowly making it's way up the driveway.

I pulled open the front door and ran down the stairs, jumping in the place as I watched the car coming closer and closer, before parking at the foot of the stairs. The driver who drove me every morning opened the back door, my mom coming into view as he did.

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