Chapter 70

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🚨⚠️!!!TW FOR CHAPTER!!!⚠️🚨

This chapter includes threats of violence and sexual assault, on-page violence, as well as assaults of a sexual nature (no rape, though). I, unfortunately, have no alternative to offer those who are triggered by this, but if you are easily triggered, just be mindful of yourself and your limits!!


The first place I felt the pain was in my head. The rest of my body followed after. Pain in every vein, atom, and cell. It felt like I was on fire.

Against my better judgment, I whined and tried to move. Duct tape dug painfully into my wrists. My neck felt like it was going to snap.

"Well well," the voice was cold and clammy, nothing like you'd expect with the otherwise warm southern drawl that laced through the syllables. "Alpha bitch boy's bitch. Who would've thought you were so easy to get a hold of, huh?" A sharp tug at my hair forced my head upwards. I sobbed as the pain moved through my neck. The eyes that met mine were dull. Entirely lifeless, like a corpse's. No emotions hinted between the irises. There was nothing human in those eyes, no glimpse of life or light. Just a cold void.

"Allen..." I whispered. His name was the first thing on my mind. I wasn't religious. I had no god to plead to for salvation. Just Allen.

The corners of the empty voids crinkled up as a cold smile spread on Alpha Charles' face. "Awe, calling it for your little bitchy loverboy, huh? Like a bitch in heat." He chuckled.

There was a very distinct linguistic difference between the term 'werewolf' and 'human', of course. It's necessary to be able to tell apart the two things in our society, especially one as clearly divided as what was the case. But still, the term or descriptor of 'human' was still used, either as a broad reference to a large 'mixed' group so to speak, or as the more civilized and logical side of a wolf, their, well, 'human side'.

There was no human side to the man in front of me. He was all wolf; an animal with no sense of morality or regret. He could kill and feel nothing about it. It was so clear that even I, idiot extraordinaire, could pick up on it within seconds, so no doubt everyone else did too, and acted accordingly around him.

Which is probably why he looked so utterly shocked when I said, "Overusing that word a bit, aren't we?"

He gripped my hair tighter. I had to swallow a sob tearing against my sore throat. "What did you say, you little ugly ass..." he trailed off and growled, looking at me.

Well, I was right, anyway. He didn't seem to know any other words. "Need a thesaurus, Mr. Big Bad Wolf?"

Snorts, grunts and a chuckle sounded from around us. I couldn't find the energy to look, but clearly we were not the only people in the room. The alpha growled at me, but said nothing. Before I could reach, I could feel a slimy substance suddenly hit my eye and begin to run down my cheek. The spit lump moved slowly down, and I pressed my lips together as it approached the corner of my mouth.

A terrible glint of excitement passed through the otherwise lifeless eyes. His rough, large hand moved up, his thumb and middle finger pressed against the place where jaw linked into my skull, forcing my mouth open. Before I could do anything, a lump of warm, bitter spit landed on my tongue. I gagged as loud as I could, quickly scraping my tongue against the outside of my teeth to get the disgusting tobacco-tasting saliva off of my tastebuds.

"Like tasting my liquids, huh, little whore? You can get a lot more of that. I'm sure Little Alpha goodie-two-shoes wouldn't mind sharing his precious little moon-mate, right?" his hot breath blew into my face as he spoke.

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