Chapter 62

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^My updates be like^

Hey guys. Sorry about the very big delay. I relaxed during the summer, and I started the first draft of a fantasy novel I'm 2/3 through the first draft. Also, I'm going to London soon, and school has been packed. Anyways, my apologies. 

Enjoy. It's Allen's POV and there's a bit of smut- with a  comedic twist.

Short update. Gotta get back into the story. I apologize. 


I watched my love, dozing peacefully next to me. For once, Ares was calm and at ease in the back of my mind. I kissed Paige's throat, a quiet hum escaping her. I smiled and got off the bed, yanked on a pair of pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, walking over the cold floorboards.

I skipped down the stairs, into the kitchen. But as soon as I opened the door, the scent of coffee hit me, telling me I wouldn't have to make a cup myself. I looked about the kitchen, and found him. Sitting there.

Reginald White was a getting-chubby, slightly graying man. His face was pleasant. He looked like a nice man, no doubt. But I now knew that his soul was a rotten little wisp in the corner of his chest.

Not acknowledging his presence, I went to pour myself a cup of coffee, and took a deep breath. I looked back at him.

He was staring out the window, his hand loosely grasping the cup on the table. His face was turned away, but his expression was... well there wasn't one. His face, even from the back, looked slack. I took a sip of my coffee and crossed my arms over my chest, walking up to him. I leaned against the wall and cocked up my chin, looking as arrogant as I possibly could. "The fact that you had the audacity to accuse me of hurting her, while you're the only one who's done so."

"Leave me alone, dog."

I narrowed my eyes on him. "You're only here because Paige wants you here. If you do anything to upset her, anything to hurt her or make her sad in the slightest. I'll send you right back home. And if you pull a stunt like you did on her birthday, I'll fucking kill you. We don't have to be friends - to be perfectly honest, I hate you, with all that I am. But I can put it aside, for Paige. She wants us to get along, and I'll do my best to give her everything she wants. So can we agree to be civil to one another during our stay here?"

He shifted in his chair. "Yes. Alpha Allen."

"Drop that bullshit. It's Allen. You've got a lot of nerve, being such a massive asshole. A decent person would be grateful."

"For what? Stealing my daughter away? Brainwashing her, so she could proceed to brainwash my wife, who may very well be leaving me?"

I kneeled down in front of the chair. "Hm, let's see; for bringing your family together one last time before your father passes, for making sure that the home your father lives in when he passes is comfortable and will take good care of him, as well as taking care of your mother after she loses her life-partner. For opening up every door and opportunity for your daughter to achieve her dreams. For building you a fucking house, oh, and for not murdering you the first time you as much as looked at Paige wrong."

He glared at me, but didn't say anything. And I could tell, despite the stubborn pull in his mouth, he knew I was- "You're right," he sighed, covering his face with his hand. He laughed then, quietly, but still... a little too much. "You've taken care of everything, done everything for my family that I was supposed to do. You've given my daughter the chance of an education, you've given my wife and I a comfortable home, and you've even made sure that my parents will have nothing to worry about in terms of financials and living arrangements for the rest of their lives. Hell, you'll probably even cure cancer just to one-up me by saving my father. So why exactly am I here? Huh? Did you let Paige invite me so you could show me how achieved you are compared to me? How much of a better provider you are?"

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