Chapter 54

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Whoopee. update. Not like it's a month and a half late or anything pfft what are you talking about? I'm always on schedule. *Nervous sweating*.

Here ya go. There's smut, mainly focused on Ally boy this time, so... enjoy!

AND COMMENT AWAY, PLEASE! I love reading your comments, please comment all you want!


My eyes fluttered open, but it was still dark around me- I reached out and pushed up the curtain, the trees rushing by outside. A strange sensation, soreness near my shoulder, complained when I moved my arm. I rubbed the base of my neck, feeling the bump of newly healed skin.

And then everything, the interruption, the reason we were on the train, the marking, and the gay question, everything that had happen the night before came rushing right back.

I looked around myself, but Allen wasn't there. It was kind of nice, at that moment. I laid down on my back. I'd let him mark me. I was happy about it, but I could already feel this... sensation. Despite the ease of not having to take Allen into consideration right now, not having to use energy on reading his expressions and calculating his reactions to every word I said... I really wanted to be with him. Like now. Both emotionally, physically and sexually.

I crawled out of bed and wrapped the blanket around myself, further soreness complaining in my neck. It hadn't hurt a pinch yesterday, the complete opposite had been the case- I almost wanted him to do it again. It was wonderful.

I pushed open the door to the rest of the coach, walking over the linoleum floor to where Allen was paying close attention to his computer. It didn't seem like he'd even noticed me walking in.

I tippy toed to his side, and only when I was right beside him, he noticed my presence, and smiled, that warm loving smile I knew was reserved for when he was loving me. He pushed the computer away, and opened his arms. I leaned into them, but was soon wrapped up and nestled back in his lap, kisses showering over the mark. At that moment, I doubted I'd ever be able to feel more happy, even with the complete mess going on around us.

"How are you?" he whispered, arms still wrapped around me.

"Good. My neck's a little sore, but that's about it. You?" I leaned my head back, trying to look into his eyes. It wasn't exactly the optimal position to be sitting in.

"Never been better, my love. And the soreness should disappear in the run of the day. It's actually not the bite that makes it sore, it's the quick work of the muscles to close it back up properly. If you get a cut within the next few days, it'll also heal within a few minutes. It's a handy bit of werewolf ability." he kissed my cheek, setting me down next to him, and drawing the computer close again.

He opened it, and it was what looked like one of those molecule models, just with text in each one, new text being added continuously. When I squinted my eyes, a lot of them had Allen's name written inside.

"It's a message board," Allen explained, without my asking. "It's a bit hard to see, but it shows the map of the US and Canada, minus the shitbag's pack. We're trying to find a course of action- we are much and warmly welcome in Alberta, by the way. The Alpha there will be happy to shelter us."

I didn't like that word. Shelter. It sounded too... grave. Like this was more of a dangerous situation than I'd like for it to be. Allen just squeezed my hand. "Relax, nothing to worry about."

"I'm not worried."

"Love, I can sense in the back of my neck that you are. Just relax, please." He kissed my hand, before telling me to go put on some of the clothes I'd brought. I forced a smile, before leaving him to his laptop and heading to the back of the coach.

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