Chapter 53

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A lot of ya'll were disappointed with the last chapter, so here ya are. It's a short one, but I did update yesterday, so... yeah.


The train began moving slowly, and as it did, Allen turned on the TV, inciting me to sit next to him. Soon, sitting 'next to him' turned into me sitting between his legs while he leaned against the wall, becoming my personal cushion as we watched TV. His arm wrapped around my midriff, like a seatbelt.


"Hmm?" he hummed absentmindedly, focusing as Die Hard played on the little TV. They had damn channels. On a moving train. How did that even work?

I bit my lip. "About the whole marking thing... I'm sorry that you didn't get to... well..."

He chuckled, nuzzling his face into my hair. "No worries. I just had to get us out of that situation. I panicked. I'm also sorry- I did get a little unpleasant yesterday, bossing you around."

I laughed. "You're the alpha. Isn't bossing around like 90 percent of your job? I don't think I could even blame you. It's in your nature."

"It's not. You're my mate, we're supposed to cooperating. I just had to get you out of there yesterday. So, sorry."

I laughed at his silliness. "All is forgiven."

He smiled, the smile turning teasing. "So... 'Ares baby'?"

My cheeks heated. "Ares is a baby. He's adorable. I was kind of sad that we were interrupted, to be honest."

"Trust me, he - we - were as well. But we've got plenty of time, once everything has settled down a bit."

I pursed my lips. I love Allen. And Ares. Both of them, the one of them. Whatever. And I... wanted to be theirs. I wanted to know that they knew that I was happily theirs. That being with them was the best thing that ever had or ever would happen to them, that I never wanted to leave them, like, ever. Also, part of me was kind of worried that I might chicken out soon and change my mind if I kept putting it off.

"Why wait?" I asked Allen, looking down at my hands.

He was quiet. "I don't want you to do it because you're scared or worried. Or because you think I'm scared or worried. I want you to want to be marked."

"I do want to. And I wanted to be marked before all of this happened. I asked you to. That hasn't changed. I love you." I couldn't make myself look at him. My hands clutched my sweatpants as nervousness trickled and tingled through my veins, settling in my stomach.

"... you're sure?"

I laughed. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I already said that. You're harder to convince than Ares."

"Ares has a squirrel brain and lives based on impulse. I'm the one in charge most of the time and the one who will have to comfort and apologize if I do something you're not ready for. I don't want that." The sincerity was evident in his voice.

"I am ready Allen. If you don't want to of course that's-"

I didn't get a chance to say more before Allen flipped me around, so we were chest to chest, and pulled me close. He sat up straighter, situating me in his lap, my arms wrapping around his shoulders out of habit. His lips touched mine, and my eyes closed automatically. Our lips didn't stay connected long though- Allen was quick to begin kissing his way along the arch of my jaw, and then down my neck, sometimes moving back up a bit, occasionally scraping his teeth against my skin, making shivers spread over my body over and over again.

He opened his golden eyes, filled with love. "You sure?" he asked again.

My heart skipped a beat when I gasped a yes. His lips found their way back to the base of my neck, sucking and kissing. If it wasn't blue due to the mark tomorrow, it would be blue from hickeys, that was for sure. He kept kissing and nibbling, nervousness building in my stomach the longer it took. Jesus Christ, it feels like he's trying to kill me sometimes.

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