Chapter 36

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Yes. An update, so soon.

Enjoy- Love ya ❤️


I went out to the hallway, not being able to help my smile as I saw a ruffled main of dark hair running towards the front door from the garage- my smile only growing as Allen ran after him, picking him up, stretching his arms above his head, before running towards the front door, Jamar in his arms.

Before they got all the way up to the front door, I opened it, the sound of Jamar's laughter immediately flooding into the room.

They ran up the stairs, Jamar's massive, brown eyes lighting up when he saw me. "Hi, auntie Paige! Guess! I'm gonna be having a little sister!" He grinned,

"Oh, trust me I heard... so I guess you and uncle Allen are gonna be a tie for world's best big brothers?" I asked, widening my eyes, my voice immediately shifting to the soft, cutesy kid tone.

He laughed, shaking his head. "NO! I'm gonna be the bestest big brother- my momma said," he smiled proudly, looking over at Allen, as he put him down. "Uncle Al? I'm a little super hungry. Can I haves a sandwich?"

I clicked my tongue. "Actually, there are some fries in the kitchen, and chicken nuggets- dino ones,"

The widest grin spread on his adorable little face. "Awesome! Thanks, auntie Paige!" he yelled, already running towards the kitchen. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Wow... can you believe that we used to have that much energy too?" I looked at Allen.

He shook his head with a little smile. "It's remarkable," he chuckled.

"Uncle Al! Auntie Paige! There's a old guy in your kitchen!"

My brain suddenly caught up. Jamar is in the kitchen. Jamar is a toddler. There's a toddler, in the kitchen, with hot dishes, knives, and other sharp objects, and a faucet that pours boiling water. Oh no.

I ran after him, to find Jamar staring up at my grandfather. "You look old... really old... like you're 20,"

My Pops let out a throaty laugh. "I'm a lil older than that, but.... thanks," he chuckled further.

"I'm sorry Pops... he just kinda ran in here,"

Jamar looked confused at my grandfather, then at me. "Auntie Paige, who is this?"

"Oh, that's my grandpa- it's my dad's dad. He's here, because it's actually my mommy's birthday, and we're having a party,"

Excitement filled his adorable face. "IS THERE CAKE?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Cupcakes,"

He clapped his tiny hands, putting up over his mouth. Allen appeared behind me. "Jamar, you can eat dinner first, and then have two cupcakes- your mom's gonna kill me if you're sugar high when going to meet your little sister,"

He nodded. "Okay, uncle Al. Can I haves dino nuggies now?"

I smiled, heading for the plate cabinet. "Sure, go into..." I bit my lip. You know what? He doesn't have to be in a separate room than my family, they have to get their shit together, and accept that all of this werewolf... stuff... is a part of my life now.

And they're gonna have to get used to werewolf kids anyways.

"Go into the dining room- but just so you know, there's a lot of people you don't know in there, but they're all my family. Just so you know,"

"It's okay auntie Paige! I like new people! My momma says they're friends you haven't met yet- unless they're asking if you want candy or help find their puppy, then I'm supposed to say that my daddy has gotten away with murder before," he nodded to himself, walking out of the kitchen, very focused on the plate, and not spilling anything off of it. My grandfather walked after him.

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