Chapter 56

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Yes, yet another update. I'm really trying to make my absence up to you guys.



We slept through most of the next day. It seemed that the stress and anxiety from the past few days finally caught up to us, ordering for us to just finally take a damn break so we wouldn't die from the stress. I didn't mind; I'd never mind sleeping through every day as long as Allen was beside me in the bed.

We got to Canada soon enough. I only realized that I did, in fact, not have a passport. But apparently, Allen being an alpha and all had further perks. Which apparently involved illegally crossing the border without the proper documentation. It was cold, like cold when we got there. Allen bought himself and me a coat in a store near the train station, and we went to a parking complex nearby. I figured a taxi or something would be waiting for us there, but no; a car, exactly the same model and color as the one Allen had at home, except with snow-proof tires and snow chains around them was waiting for us in the long term parking area.

We stuffed our luggage into the backseat and trunk, and then we were off. The drive would be 6 hours. The time seemed really long, passing too slowly for my liking. Occasionally we drove through big cities. Other times, small towns. A lot of forests and open areas too. For a while we were driving through snow. The radio was on, as the only sound in the car. I didn't know what to talk about, so I just... didn't. Every hour or so Allen would announce 'we're there in 4 hours, 'we're there in 3 hours' and so on. We did two bathroom stops, Allen insisting upon standing outside the bathroom while I used it, because of course with my luck I'd get jumped and murdered in a gasstation bathroom in Canada.

When Allen finally announced that it'd only be half an hour before we got there, I couldn't keep myself contained anymore. "Uh, Allen, you remember we talked about like... having sex once we got off the train? Is that what we're gonna do or...? Not that you have to, if you don't want to or if you're stressed or something, I just want to know a course of action. I don't like unpredictability."

Allen chuckled. "I think that we should get settled there first before considering any of that. Get out our baggage, show you the house. Maybe build a snowman or go sledding. Something. Especially when you have never played in the snow before. I've been so excited to see that." his eyes glinted warmly. "And regardless, I really think that scheduling a 5 o'clock sexssion would take a considerable amount of the romance and excitement out of it. And also give too much presentation anxiety. Let's just... relax, okay?"

"Right, I guess I can see that. Sorry. I don't want you to think I'm desperate or- well, maybe I am. Just a little bit. But I don't want you to know that, regardless." I laughed nervously.

"Don't worry about it. You're excited. It's good- I'd rather that than you being nervous or scared. It's meant to be fun. So, as I said; we'll take our time, relax, and when it happens it happens. Anyways, let's move onto something else; how much do you enjoy Christmas?"

I furrowed my brows. It was December. There hadn't been a trace of Christmas decor at home, so I'd just imagined that maybe Allen didn't enjoy Christmas all that much. But he looked excited right now.

"Uh, well, I enjoy it a lot. It's nice. Bein' with your family, just being cozy." I smiled at memories of my Christmases as a kid. Barely any presents, little food, but still, good memories.

He nodded, his lips pressed together as he smiled. "Well, that's good, because Christmas gets a little... overboard in my family. And the house is entirely completely covered in everything Christmassy. We only use it at Christmas, so it stays up all year. There's all these antique things that we've only just started to be able to bring out again, because Austin is old enough to know not to mess with it. It's so pretty, and there's all these light and reds and greens... it's the best place. I can't wait for in a few years, when I get to show all of it to our babies."

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