Chapter 78

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So there's some seduction-ish thing going on in this chapter.

Just a friendly reminder to you all that I'm still very much a virgin (not out of my own free will, might I add. It's getting emberassing at this point) - anywho, again, I have no true hands on understanding of what is sexy and what just sounds sexy but actually is not. So if you find some of the stuff in this chapter cringy... keep it to yourself. Bullying virgins is just mean. We can't help it. 


Allen generously tipped the taxi driver after the kind man had helped us drag our bags out of the trunk. With a big smile, he tipped his flat hat and got back into the taxi, driving away.

Two security guards were blocking the entrance to the hotel, fending off the reporters who were surrounded the whole thing, yelling at the doors and snapping pictures. Allen had already pulled the hood of his shirt up to cover his ears and face, but still, the second the first reporter took notice of us, cameras were clicking and questions were being yelled at us.

Allen grabbed me by the arm and guided me through the crowd, past the guards who made just enough space between their shoulder to let Allen and I pass through one behind the other, and them closed again.

Allen sighed in relief once we were inside, and then gently guided me towards the front desk. The woman behind it recognized us immediately and found a keycard in a drawer, handing it off to Allen. "Alpha Xiandre asked me to inform all Alphas that the meeting is at 7 this morning in the conference room. He also asks that all visiting Alphas stay in the hotel until the matter at hand is resolved." She handed us each a pamphlet.

"As VIP visitors, you of course have free roam of the hotel's facilities. Golf simulator in the basement, gym, swimming pool, spa, and more. You can read about it in the booklet." She looked back up at us with a perfectly neutral face. "Your room is on the 15th floor. enjoy your stay."

Allen nodded and then headed towards the elevator. A red haired, middle aged woman narrowed her eyes at me as I walked past. Allen growled beside me, and she turned her head. The next second, we were alone in the elevator, Allen released a breath.

I turned my head to him. "What... was that?"

He shook his head a little. "Alpha Mabel. She's usually a sweetheart, but she's also to the older side. Not a fan of change. She struggled to have children, which wolves almost never do. She has a 3 year old that she loves to bits, and was most likely looking forward to letting inherit the title one day. A lot of these alphas have kids who they've been training the kids entire lives to follow in their footsteps. They don't want their empires and linages to crumble."

I nodded. "I guess that makes sense."

The doors of the elevator opened, and Allen took my hand and walked me down the hall to our room - the was a good distance between the doors of each of the rooms on the floor, which only made all the more sense once we unlocked the door to ours.

The ceilings were taller than I'd have expected from a hotel room. There was a little front entrance room. Further in, there was a tea kitchen with a minibar, and one of those little tea sets. The bed was huge, the headboard of it pushed against the back of the equally huge couch that was facing an even huger tv- and soundsystem. An office area was pushed to a little corner of the room. I could only imagine that the bathroom had to be more similar to a ballroom.

"Wow," I said, walking further in and abandoning my suitcase by the door to the room. I ran my fingers over the marble countertop of the little kitchen.

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