Not an update- info dump

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Not an update. Sorry, ya'll- but I'm really really bored and really wanted to write something.

Yeah. I have a writer's block. So I thought I'd give you guys a bit of info about the world I've created in my own head. Please don't call the mental institution.

Once again: I made all of this shit up. Don't take any of this shit for facts even for a second. Every word I'm writing past this one is utter bullshit.


What you can see in the picture above is all of the states in America- except Hawaii (all of the islands of and surrounding Hawaii are under the control of Alpha Nalani) but anyway, this is what states are under the control of what Alphas.

As you can see, Allen has control of the largest amount of square kilometers... however, who has the largest pack with regards to the population, I have no idea.

Anyways, that's how the alpha system in the US works- some Alphas have control over a specific area.

However, in the rest o the world, it's quite different. In Europe, the 'pack' is mostly decided with regards to the country, but of course, larger countries have more alphas. For example- France has 3 Alphas, and three major packs- and then they live in smaller groups within the packs.

In smaller countries, like Denmark and Norway, there's just one Alpha- although the alphas of Scandinavia all share laws, etc. this is because (like IRL history) it used to be one United country.

Each pack has its own laws and rules, although there are some that a few universal laws- but punishments for breaking the laws differ from pack to pack, for example:

Sexual assault is illegal in all packs, and depending on the pack, the punishments vary between 20 years of solitary confinement with chemical castration or immediate execution.

Also, there's a worldwide law that you're not allowed to charge money for life-or-death and deeply necessary medicine.

And by deeply necessary, I mean like, if you get chronic migraines and cannot function while having these migraines, it's illegal to charge you for the painkillers.

Also, all countries are under obligation to allow freedom of speech, religious freedom, sexual freedom, REPRODUCTIVE freedom (fuck off, forced birthers).


We'll go with Allen's pack as an example. Obviously, the area he's got control over is way too large for ONE man to overview. And, as you know, there's Allen's 'main' beta, Josh. (Whom you've met)

However, in the smaller areas, usually one per state, there's another wolf in charge, who largely works as an 'Alpha' but obviously, Allen has the overall power. The 'state Alphas' can be replaced if needed, while the only one that can replace Allen is his firstborn child, and in the case of his death before he has children, his oldest younger sibling (in his case Lila) is to take control of the pack (although if he dies AND has a child who's just too young to take over the position -under the age of 16- his beta will take control until his child is of age to take care of the pack)

And, as mentioned, Allen's pack has some other rules than for example Alpha Zeena's pack. Allen is in a position of power in which he can make largely any law he wants, and approve any law he wants - this applies to all Alphas, which make new just a tad more terrifying for humans.

Although Allen is in complete control within his own pack, he has some specific deals with the pack nearest to him- for example, Alpha Zeena's (and others') approval was needed to go through with the major HSA overhaul. And therefore all alphas who agreed to this have to follow through with it. BUT it doesn't apply to all packs in the US- just those with which Allen has an agreement.

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