Chapter 61

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A few days later, everyone had settled in. Which was good, considering that Allen's family was arriving. And lots of it

"Tell me again exactly who is coming by?"

He looked me in the eye. "My mom, my dad, my siblings. Sophia's mate and his brother. My human aunt and uncle, Wesley and Penelope, and their kids Gianna and Elliot. Then there's my aunts Jane and Celine, and their daughter Lily. My uncle Jack, and his mate, Jean, and their kids Vance, Jacob, Nina and Percy. And my uncle Alex, his mate Mayee, and their kids Quinn and Zack. And then my father's parents, obviously. I really, truly have limited my family as much as possible this year. Oh, and my aunt Jill, her mate, and her 3 kids might pop in for a quick visit. But they already have arrangements at her mate's for Christmas Eve and morning, so they won't be staying."

I counted on my fingers. I counted over and over three times. "Forty people. There are going to be forty people in this house for Christmas."

"It's just on Christmas Eve. Only my parents, siblings, brother in law, his brother, and my grandparents will be here Christmas morning."

I narrowed my eyes on him. "I might consider just killing off a bunch of your family, just so I won't have to learn all their names."

He chuckled and placed a kiss on the top of my head. "Oh come on. My entire family, all of them, are gonna love you. No worries."

"That's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about the 25 people in your family who are wolves, around my dad and Nana. And also my aunt and uncle, although I think they're more anxious around you folks, rather than all hate-y."

He brushed his hand through the air. "No worries. I'm sure everything is gonna be just fine."

"Your toxic positivity is showing, Allen. And anywho, why is so much of your family coming by? I thought you said that it'd only be your parents, siblings and grandparents."

He smiled nervously. "Well, yes, but then my grammy called to ask what and who was coming to Christmas, and when I told her that we were keeping it small this year, she said, and I quote 'No', and then invited everyone else."

I gave him a dead-pan stare. "She just said 'no' and that was it?"

He chuckled. "Love, my grammy was the Alpha in charge when the right to abortion, the possibility for women to get their own bank accounts, and birth control was legalized. You don't talk against that woman. She always wins."

I sighed. "Oh alright. I guess it'll be fine. I think. I hope."

He rolled his eyes and kissed my head. "Of course it'll be fine. Why wouldn't it be? I mean, even your dad has been behaving for the past few days."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "He's barely been speaking. Or eating."

A knock sounded on the door, drawing our attention to it. Allen and I were in Allen's office, which was right across from our bedroom. We'd retreat in here occasionally, just so everyone could get their space sometimes. It also gave us the possibility of being a bit more affectionate, without curious eyes being on us all the time.

We called for whoever was at the door to enter in unison. My pops appeared in the doorway. He's been tired often for the past few days. It wasn't a calming thing, exactly, and definitely put a damper on the holiday mood. Which was just extra painful, knowing that these signs... this was definitely gonna be Pop's last christmas. And I hated the fact that I knew that would probably make it the saddest Christmas too, though it should be the one we make most of an effort to enjoy.

"Hey there Bunny, and you too Allen." he stepped into the office. "I was just wondering if perhaps we could make a pharmacy run soon? The medicine for my pain is running out, and I'd prefer not to go without it."

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