Chapter 47

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Hey folks! Long time no see. Quick update on the 'rona situation; I didn't have it, it was fortunately just a cold.

Also, I see there's been some controversy in the comment section of one of the previous chapters, that I'd just like to clear up.

A lot of people mentioned in these comments, that Allen was wrong for being sexually attracted to Paige, because she's underage, which, yes, in some countries she is. This is a cultural difference, I realize that, but uh... yeah, I live in a country where it's perfectly legal for a 15 and 64 year old to get it on if they'd like, not to say that that's right, but it's kind of ingrained in my culture that people begin having sex young, and girls often do it with older guys (most of the girls in my class, who are all 16-18, only date guys who are 20-26)

Anyways, point is: I figured this would be obvious considering the fact that in this particular universe, people can meet their mate at 16, but yeah, the age of consent is 16 in this world. Although, there are (again, in this fictional world) laws against 20+ (non-mates) having sex with people below the age of 18. But yeah, it's legal for a pair of mates, one of which is 16 and the other is 21, to have sex. Just so we're clear.

Anyways, sorry for the long wait! Life's been a bitch, so writing hasn't been plentiful.

Love you, enjoy.


I closed the door behind me, hearing my beloved sobbing behind it. I took a deep breath, clenching my fists at my sides, to keep calm before going back down.

I want to kill him. I want to cause him horrendous amounts of pain, and then see the life leave his eyes. That's the least he deserves after what he did to her. My Paige. Screaming at her, hurting her when she'd done nothing wrong.

The sound of her voice echoed inside my head. Please let go. It hurts. I felt the rage welling up inside me again. The urge to destroy, to kill, to rip whoever was hurting her apart. limbs from limb, joint from joint.

With a last deep breath, I headed down the stairs, past Paige's screaming grandmother and into the dining room. They'd pulled him away from the glass, and sat him down in one of the white chairs- I'd have to replace it, blood was getting all over it- a first aid kit laying open on the table. The piece of shit was clutching his chest. I suppressed the smile threatening to spread on my lips at the thought of how many ribs I would've broken.

I looked at my mother, whose judgment was obvious on her face. "The ambulance is on its way, it'll be here in a few minutes," she glared at me.

I ignored her. As much as I loved my mother... she'd never feel what I felt for Paige. Sure, she'd had me and my siblings, but I refused to believe that a human's body could possibly handle the love flowing through every fiber of my being, the devotion, and love that came with that... a human's body would go into shock and die if it tried to contain these emotions.


I turned to Joseph behind me. Jamar was still sobbing on his shoulder. "Me and Kya are leaving. Uh... thank you for inviting us, and tell Paige happy birthday,"

"I'll pass on the message. Get home safe," I heard them leave behind me.

When the sound of sirens appeared, I turned to the window where the blinking lights were moving up the driveway. I turned to my mother. "Would you mind leading them inside?"

She nodded, and then walked out of the dining room. I looked back at the shitpiece. His father was trying to pull the glass out of his cuts. For the first time, I felt a tinge of guilt. The concern on the older man's face as he did his best to help his only surviving son... I was suddenly glad I hadn't just killed the bastard.

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