Chapter 29

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It's been a while, huh?

Anyways, belated Merry Christmas you beautiful motherfuckers.

Oh- and happy Kwanzaa to my African, African/American, African/European, etc followers.

This chapter is dedicated to @BHURNTChickenNugget because... they are awesome and have basically supported the story from day 1. Also, leaves very enthusiastic comments, and ships these two knuckleheads to its appropriate that THIS is the chapter dedicated to Ms. Nugget.

This is a double chapter, yadda yada-

Enjoy the story


I threw my arm over my face as lights hit it, shining through my eyelids. "Paige... get up! Stel made french toast and bacon,"

I slowly peeked my left eye open, to find a tired-looking Ember looking down on me, her hair hanging down around our faces like a curtain. "When... when did we go to bed?" I asked, slowly getting up from my spot on the couch, my back complaining profusely as I did. I rubbed the bottom of my back. You'd think I was 66, not 16.

She shrugged. "We didn't. I was talking to you last night, just casual conversation, and then you just stopped answering. And then you started snoring- also, did you know that you talk in your sleep?"

My cheeks heated at her words. Shit. "Yeah, I know... uh... what'd I say?"

She smiled a little too widely. "Oh, nothing- don't worry about it," she grinned and disappeared- when I looked back over my shoulder, Stella was setting some plates on the table.

It's way too early for this shit. I groaned. "Come on- what did I say?" I asked, getting up from the couch and heading for the small dining table, placed just a few feet from the tiny kitchen.

She grinned, looking at her nails. "Oh, nothing... just... you know... a certain alpha... and then uh... you started sighing and moaning and-"

"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT, I GET IT! YOU CAN STOP NOW!" I yelled, covering my ears. Oh god. I narrowed my eyes at her. "It's your fault- you were the one... talking about sex and shit yesterday. It's your fault,"

"The two of you were talking about what now?" A growl sounded from my side, and my heart skipped a beat when I looked at Stella, the rings just around her pupils glowing red.

Ember snorted from behind me. "Please- I was telling her that she should fuck the Alpha, not me. Christ- jealous much? You need to chill out baby," she shook her head and looked down at the phone in her hand, clicking her tongue in disapproval.

"Right- sorry Paige... I suppose there's no chance that you could ... not mention my little outburst at the alpha? I'd like to keep my beauty shop... and Ember," she shuddered.

Behind me, I heard Ember whispering. "That doggo bitch can just go ahead and try and get me- I'll have him spayed in a minute,"

I shook my head at Stella. "No- don't worry. I won't tell,"

Stella took a deep breath of relief, and then turned around flipping over some bacon on the pan.


About two hours later, I was standing out front of Stella and Ember's house, waiting for Allen to show up, the strap of my backpack thrown over my right shoulder. I held up my hand in front of my eyes, so I'd be able to look down the road without the sun blinding me.

The sleek, black car appeared at the end of the road, slowly moving toward me

I smiled and waved as he got closer, parking right in front of me. Before I had a chance to get my hand around the door handle, it popped open in front of me. I got into the car with a smile on my face. "Morning,"

Adored by the Alphaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें