Chapter 59

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Felt bad about the very  short update Yesterday, so here's another, also short update.

Didn't plan this chapter, it just kind of occurred to me. Greenland sucked. Like really fucking sucked. But one thing I loved about it was the northern lights. They were so, so beautiful. And I wanted to incorporate that little bit of not-terribleness into my story. 

Alright, you guys get to the chapter. Comment, vote, and enjoy!


Allen sat down next to me on the couch. "Alright, love. The next train here is leaving tomorrow, and then it'll be 2 days before they're here. So, all in all, three days. Your father will be kept at the other end of the train from the rest of your family- he'll know where they are, though, in case he wants to seek him out. And vice versa."

I furrowed my brows. "Can't we just fly them here? Won't it be faster?"

He took my hand, kissing each of my knuckles one by one. "They'll be safe. There's nothing to worry about. And I insist on moving them by train because the trains in the majority of all west-coast packs are driving on renewable energy, whereas flying is so bad for the environment."

I sighed, snuggling closer to him. "Alright. If you say they'll be alright, they'll be alright... I love you, Allen."

He smiled, nuzzling his face into my hair. "I love you too. Well, love, since that's settled, I was wondering if you'd like to go outside and do some snow activities?"

"Such as?"

"Oh, you know. Building a snowman, sledding, building an igloo? Whatever you're up for."

I couldn't help the smile spreading on my face. a tiny squeal leaving me.

And so, about an hour later, Allen and I were dressed up in warm coats and thick boots- heavier than any clothes I'd ever worn back home. We marched through the back door of the hallway, into the small forest area behind the cabin. The trails were cleared of snow, with thin tire tracks at the sides. Was carrying two clean Tupperware containers, one in the other. In them, a few large, dark rocks rolled around, as well as a carrot, a comb, and an old wooden pipe. Everything needed to build a proper snowman. Allen had insisted on all of it, even when he'd had to spend nearly twenty minutes just trying to find a comb.

We reached a place where two small shelter cabins were nestled in a clearing. A spot for a bonfire sat in between them, and most of the area cleared. But it seemed to have been cleared a few days ago, as a few inches of fresh new snow had coated the ground since.

Allen gestured for me to put the basket I was carrying on the step into the shelter. He'd packet it while snickering and giggling, all secretive, and not letting me peak. Sometimes, he was like a little kid. It was pretty cute. He sat down the Tupperware containers and then clapped his gloved hands together, a muted thud sounding as the fabric connected. "Alright, love, Snowman 101. What we're gonna do, first of all, is make a snowball. Go ahead."

I giggled, and then went and collected a handful of snow, trying to rub it together into a ball. It just clumped up into my gloves and fell on the ground. Allen came up behind me with a soft laugh, guiding my hands into the snow yet again, pressing it together properly into a little ball. Then he instructed me on how to roll it through the snow. He helped me push it when it got heavy. "Alright, now that the bottom part is done, you'll have to smooth it out. Like so-" he rubbed along the outside of it until the excess snow fell to the ground and the surface rounded. I followed his example until the large snowball that reached my hips was somewhat round.

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