Chapter 77

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Wattpad is being a real big hoebag about letting me copy paste from my Google Doc today. Be glad I updated.

Another nothing chapter. I honestly have very few shits to give at this point. I love you tho.


My heart skipped a beat. "You have to go? Now?" It felt like his words had landed in a pit in my stomach.

Allen sighed and ran his hand trough his hair, mid-throwing-clothes-in-suitcase. "I'm so, so sorry my love. But I have to go to this meeting. This whole Alpha-killing-Alpha thing is a very delicate subject and we can't discuss it over chatroom. I need to go." He zipped pushed the suitcase together and zipped it shut, before turning to me, his face falling.

He shook his head, reaching out his hand. "Oh, no no no, my love. Don't cry, please, please don't cry. I'll have around the clock security. There'll be 6 guards stationed around the cabin at all hours of the day, and they'll be more than happy to take a bullet for you. You'll have nothing to worry about other than decorating Christmas cookies with your pops, okay?" He kissed my forehead, his warm hands coming up to cub my face.

I shook my head. "Allen, please don't leave me. I need you. I can't... I can't..." I shook my head, pressing my lips together to suppress a sob.

"Oh no, Paige, my love. I'm so sorry, but I have to go. We'll fix up the negotiations, chop-chop, and I'll be right back, okay? Don't worry." He placed another kiss on my forehead, his hands falling away from my face.

"Allen, I'm begging you not to leave me."

He sighed as he lifted his suitcase off the dresser. "Love, I love you, more than anything. But I have a duty to my pack. Millions of wolves. Even more humans. I'm responsible for all of them. I need to help figure this out."

"Can't they come here?" I wiped the tear off my cheek with my sleeve.

"My love, most of the Alphas are already headed towards New York. I can't ask them to change their routes now. I really have to get going, love, I can't be late. I've already caused enough chaos - not that I regret it though, the fucker deserved to die - but I have no hope of having any type of influence if I disrespect all the other Alphas bu not showing up on time. They're already very dissatisfied with me, I can't make them more so."

I bit my lip, looking desperately around. I'd tie him up if I had to. Could you waterboard someone into not getting on a plane? Probably.

It felt like time slowed. I was looking all over and everywhere. If I jumped out the window, would he think I wouldn't be stable enough? What if I set something on fire? That'd get his attention.

His hand was closing around the door handle, pushing it down when the words left my lips. "Then let me come."

He turned around a frown already on his face. "My love, I really don't think that's a good idea."

I shrugged, walking over the expensive hardwood floor. "I'm the cause of this whole mess. And with everything, you fixing the HSA, needing to change everything because you had to save me... shouldn't they see what they're changing things for? Shouldn't I, as your mate, speak up in this?"

He looked at me strangely, the suitcase in his hand dropped to the floor. "You? But, my love... You're just.. you're, uh...?"

I blinked. "I'm what?"

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's not... usual. I... Goddess it sounds awful when saying it out loud, but usually, the mates, especially the human ones don't get involved in the alpha stuff. You don't understand pack dynamics, let alone the complex social paly that's involve-"

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