Chapter 12

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It's quiet at the dinner table- the only sound is the cutlery against the plates.

Knock on the door.

Dad gets up from his chair. I look back down on my food.

Mom says something, I look at her. I didn't quite catch that?

She smiled. She's calm. He's going to kill us she says.


She repeats herself. He's going to kill us. She keeps smiling calmly, looks at the front door. I look that way too.

Dad flies through the air. He hits the table. Plates everywhere. I scream. He's on the ground. His neck looks wrong, his eyes are empty. He's gone.

I hold him. He's cold. Something wet on my face. I wipe my cheek, it's red. Mom drops to the floor. Her neck is slashed. Ripped open. I scream louder, tears falling from my cheeks.

Something pulls me away. No, please, I need them. I yell. I yell, and I yell, and I yell. I keep looking at them. They're gone. They're both gone.

I get thrown against the wall. Two bloodred eyes. Evil. His hand around my neck. He's smiling like there's nothing wrong. He kisses my cheek. You don't need them anymore, you have me now. His hand stroking my hair. You have me now, right, Paige? Paige? Love? Paige?

"Paige? Love? Please wake up, it's just a nightmare. Wake up, Love,"

He's right there, in front of me.

I scramble backward, my ribs are screaming as I hit the floor, but I don't care. I get on my feet. Bathroom. I dart towards it, slamming the door behind me, fumbling to turn the key in the lock. The tears are running down my cheek. Why won't the damn key turn... come on. Come on. Come on. Fuck it. I sit up against the door, knowing perfectly well that it won't keep him out. I can never keep him out.

My entire body is shaking, and I'm just waiting for him to throw me through the room, to feel my bones give in and break on impact with the marble walls.

I'm sobbing loudly, but I still hear the two soft knocks.

"Love, can you please open the door? I promise I won't go in, I just want to see you,"

I try to move but I can't. The sobs are tearing through my body like a knife through meat. He's going to kill you if you don't open the door, open the damn door, come on.

"Shhh, just relax, Love. Please stop crying, just take a deep breath, there's no reason to cry. Listen, I'm not going to hurt you, you have nothing to worry about. Okay, listen, I will go over, and sit down on the couch, and when you're ready, no matter how long it's gonna take, you can come out, and sit down with me, and then we'll talk. Take all the time you need, okay? I'll go over to the couch,"

I heard him walking away, my heart finally slowing down a bit. I pulled my legs up to my chest. curling into a ball in front of the door. It felt like time stood still as I just stared at the marble floors, only blinking when absolutely necessary- every time I closed my eyes, all I could see was my parents on the floor, broken plates around them, their eyes empty and dead, bodies cold.

My legs feel weak like jelly when I stood up and walked to the sink. The water splashed against my face, almost washing away the image behind my eyelids, but still not quite. I looked in the mirror, only now realizing how big the bathroom was. A jacuzzi in the corner of the bathroom, next to it, a massive shower stall- at least 6 by 6 feet. Why is everything in here so big? Who needs this much space just for one person?

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