Chapter 16

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I waved at Ember as I saw her walking a few feet away, my hand falling down as a blonde woman with short-cropped hair wrapped her arms around her and twirled her around, my stomach twirling along with them at the sight.

The driver from yesterday, who'd also dropped me off this morning, had parked the car right in front of the main entrance. I pulled open the backdoor, getting into the seat, quickly glancing up at the review mirror in which the driver did the same. He gave me a quick nod before turning his eyes back on the road in front of him.


My guts turned and twisted, an unsettling clump of darkness nestling in my abdomen at the thought of tonight's event. I hugged the throw pillow closer to my chest and turned over once again, looking at the time displayed at the bottom of the tv screen.

Alpha Allen's parents would be coming for dinner tonight, and I'd have to meet both of them. The murderous man and the woman who married and procreated with said murderous man, and raised the person that's currently keeping me captive.

I threw the pillow onto the armchair that I was pretty sure Alpha Allen had taken a liking to- at least he'd always sit in it when he'd visit my room.

A knock made my head turn. When you speak of the devil...

He poked his head in, a careful smile on his lips. "My mom just texted me, they'll be here in 20, just so you know," he said.  I looked up at the ceiling and nodded, humming.

"Love, can I come in?"

I replied with a 'sure', not taking my eyes off the ceiling. I heard his footsteps come closer before they stopped. He'd taken a seat - in his favorite chair. I couldn't help but smile.

"What is it?"

Shaking my head, I took my eyes off the white-painted ceiling, getting up to a sitting position. "Nothing, just something I thought about," I said while making a useless effort to pat my hair flat. I pursed my lips, before turning my eyes to Alpha Allen.

"I already get that you don't want to meet them, but you seem almost as if you're scared, and I don't understand why. My parents wouldn't hurt a fly,"

I folded my hands, resting my pointed index fingers on my pursed lips. "You said just yesterday that you dad literally murdered your little sister's teacher,"

He tipped his head from side to side, thinking of his answer. "Pedophile flies don't count. Those you're allowed to hurt, actually, it's often applauded to do so. But you still didn't answer my question," he added, sitting up straighter.

Shrugging, I rested back into the couch, running the tips of my fingers in circles on the fabric. "I don't know, might have to do with the fact that I'm still sorta adjusting to forced socialization with one werewolf, I'm not quite ready for another two," I mumble

"My mom is human. Like you. Haven't I told you that already?"

I couldn't help myself, the words flew out of my mouth without me intending them to do so, I didn't even have time to think them over: "And she still had you?! Willingly?"

Alpha Allen rolled his eyes with a snort. "Me, Lila, Sophia, Halley, Emmely, and Austin, yes. And no- Emmely and Austin were both 'oopsie's' as my mom calls them, but besides that, pretty willingly, yes. Most humans end up eventually accepting the love their mate has for them, and I truly hope that you're just like them," he looked at me in a weird way. Like he was sad, but yet still... kinda happy, or hopeful. It made my stomach feel soft- and not in a good way.

"Sure you do," I said, trying to end the uncomfortable silence that had appeared.

He shook his head, running his hand through his hair, my eyes unwillingly following the motion. His hair is great- a bit too great. "Fairly, Love, I'm not in a mood to argue or listen to you listing all of the reasons you hate me. Believe it or not, I'm also a bit nervous- I'm introducing you, my mate, to my parents. That would be the human equivalent of introducing your fiancee to your family for the first time. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go find one of the awful shirts my mom has bought for me- she thinks I wear them all the time," he said getting up from the chair. I crossed my arms as he closed the door behind him. Asshole.

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