A/N - Short Life Update

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Hello guys! Hope you are doing well!

I am not.. Which kinda sucks.. I've been trying hard to get into writing.

But sadly my health has literally been going from bad to worse, I've been praying and going to the docs but I'm still in pain.

Hopefully when all this is over I'll be able to start with a new story or some short updates about Sumellika's wedding life.. I've had ideas for a new story for a while now but I can't seem to bring it to fruition.. 🥺

Anyway, to end this small update, I'd urge you all to take care of your health and of your family's health.. Because health always comes first.. Something I've grown to realise when my life has gone downhill lately.. My life has been weird since December but still hoping for the best! 🤞🏼😬

Stay safe and loving!!

Lots of love ✨❤️

- Prateekshaa

P.s: signing off my real name because this is quite a personal note and this comes from my soul and not the author in me. The author in me has kinda gone dormant ever since these issues started.. 🙃

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