Chapter 10 - Friends?

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Mallika's POV

Sumedh got in and starting driving, looking straight ahead. He did not say another word to me. I was shocked, sad and confused at the same time. I did not know what to say. Whether I should say something or not. The silence was painfully awkward.

I kept my eyes on the road, wishing we could reach my house quicker. For now, I was concentrating on not breathing too loud or looking towards Sumedh. Then he spoke..

"Er, did you tell your parents you've finished?" He asked.

"No, I..I didn't tell them." I cleared my throat and replied.

"Do you mind if I take you somewhere?" he said.

"Where?" I asked.

"Somewhere, don't worry, I'll get you home safe and sound. You can inform your parents you'll get back in an hour or so." He said, as if everything was fine.

I nodded and looked out the window. I couldn't even guess where he was taking me, I was so lost in my thoughts. At this point, I didn't even care where we were going. I just wanted answers to the questions I had. But, I also knew that it wasn't my place to ask about anything.

It was his life. His past. He should not have to explain it to me. We weren't even friends, well maybe we were but not the kind who knew everything about each other. Yet.

"We're here" I heard him say. He got out of the car and I did the same. I could tell that he was going to come and open my door but I didn't give him a chance to.

He walked and I followed him silently. He sat down on a wooden bench and indicated me to do the same. I sat down, leaving a good amount of space between us.

I could feel his gaze on me even though I was staring at the scene in front of me. I was in awe of this place.(See pic above). I had never been here before. It was beautiful and peaceful. There were trees on either side of the bench and in front we could see the city. Here we were, away from the hustle and bustle, admiring the city lights from a distance. I closed my eyes and let the wind caress my face before I remembered why we came here.

"I'm sorry, I should not have wandered around.. It was stupid.." I said, still not looking at him.

"It's okay, you had to find out someday..if we were going to be friends.." He said.

I looked at him, expecting him to continue.. He understood my expression and continued.

"Jennifer and I have history together. She was my girlfriend. The very first, actually.. I always thought we would last forever. Never once had I had any doubts about our relationship." He continued, looking at me cautiously, as if waiting for me to stop him.

"Go on, Sumedh.." I blinked at him. It felt weird saying his name. It was oddly satisfying.

"So, we were in a relationship for four years, everything was going fine.. Until one day, she had to leave for Canada to go to college.. She left to pursue her studies, we promised to remain in touch and we did for almost a year. Until that one day.." Sumedh gulped.

I almost broke down seeing the look on his face.. Without giving it much thought, I placed my hand on top of his. He gave me a tight smile before continuing to speak.

"So, I used to take art courses and was a dance teacher/choreographer.. At that time, there was a dance competition among colleges, where the winner got to go to Canada. I was very excited.. I participated because I loved dancing. But I wanted to win because I wanted to be able to see Jennifer, and I did. I won. But in vain.." Tears filled in his eyes and I gulped. He squeezed my hand tight before speaking again.

"I wanted to surprise her. I bought her her favourite flowers, chocolates and a propose her. All that went down the drain. I reached Canada and the first thing I did was go to the apartment she was staying in.. I didn't have to knock, the door was opened.. I opened her bedroom door to see.. To see her with someone else. " He took a deep breath.

"We broke up then and there.. I didn't contact her after that.. And then she called me when she met Jay.. We became friends again, then she invited me to the wedding. I still loved her..or so I thought, until I saw." He stopped abruptly.

"Anyway, the paintings you saw were the paintings I made right after we broke up.. I had a few days left in That's also the reason why I quit dancing.. I'm sorry for shouting earlier.. I shouldn't have. It wasn't your mistake." he said.

"I understand.. I'm sorry you had to tell me all of this. It must hurt to even think about it. I'm so sor.." He held up a finger to my lips.

"It was meant to happen.." He said, his words barely audible.

I looked down to see our hands were still intertwined. I cleared my throat.

"We should probably go. It's late now. My parents will be worried." I said and we both released our hands. He stood up.

"After you, Mallika.." he said, with a smile. I grinned at him.

This time he didn't miss the opportunity of being a complete gentleman and opening my door.

We drove to my house in silence, a slight smile on our faces. This time the silence was comfortable, soothing even.. All questions had been answered. Everything had been cleared. He didn't have to do anything, but he confided in me. And that meant a lot. He didn't seem like the type who would open up very fast. I made a mental note to share some of my personal experiences with him as well.. I think we could trust each other now.

We reached my house and I got out of the car.

"Mallika?" he called out. I turned.

"How was the sandwich?"


"The one I gave Kira for you?"

"You bought that? I thought it was Kira, I didn't even ask her. But thanks a lot. Okay bye" I said.

"Mallika" he called out again.

"Hmm" I raised an eyebrow.

"Friends?" he asked.

"Friends..?" I said, holding a finger to my chin and pretending to think. Then I smiled and nodded. I started making my way inside when he called out again.

"Mallika.. Goodnight. Sweet dreams.. Tomorrow 8 am sharp." He said and started his car, without giving me a chance to reply.

"Goodnight Friend..No.. Stranger? No.. Sumedh..." I whispered to myself and grinned like an idiot, going inside the house.

I had yet to eat dinner.. So I had my dinner took a shower and headed straight to bed.

It wasn't such a bad day after all. I took my phone, scrolled through my contacts looking for the famous 'Stranger ✨' and changed it to 'Sumedh ✨'.

I then put my phone to charge, hugged my pillow and drifted away..


Phew, finally we know about Sumedh's past..

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Lots of love ❤️


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