Chapter 34 - Surprises

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Mallika's POV

It had been a week already since Dau and Kira's engagement. The truth was now out. My parents had been a constant positive force in my life. Never once did they question my future plans or my decisions, for which I was very grateful.

For the past week, I was regularly leaving home at the time I usually would with Sumedh and sit in his painting room. I would help him research ideas and carry on with my course work as well. Come lunch time, we'd usually eat with Dau and Kira. 

However today, the routine was going to change and it was all thanks to an email I had received the previous night. I had been called for an interview at one of the companies I had applied. 

I thanked the universe for its timing being so incredibly perfect. Even if I hadn't gotten an interview, I would have had to lie to Sumedh about why I was leaving without him. I had already planned to leave Sumedh's office early as I wanted to do something special for him before his art exhibition started.  Sumedh's art exhibition was going to take place in two days. I knew he had been working so hard for this, sometimes skipping lunch and dinner. If it weren't for me and his mum, this guy would have lived off coffee for the past few weeks. 

I had already spoken to Dau and Kira about what I had been planning so I knew if anything came up, they'd cover for me.

My interview was going to be held at around 2 p.m. I had already prepared myself for it but I needed some extra time to plan Sumedh's surprise. So I had the most brilliant excuse and decided to text Sumedh.

'-Good morning! You go ahead today. I'm stressing for my interview, I'll need to prepare myself mentally. Dad will drop me there.' That obviously wasn't the case since I had prepared myself the night before and was pretty confident. If I managed to get the job, it would be all the more merrier as Sumedh and my parents would both be very happy.

Sumedh's reply came, seconds after I had sent him the text.

'Don't worry, my love! It will be fine. Just be yourself and don't stress. Goodluck Princess!'

I smiled at his concern and started my day.

Firstly, I got out of bed and freshened up. I went downstairs to greet my parents and to ask Dad to drop me for my interview later. He was a bit concerned about why Sumedh was not coming and whether we had a fight or something but I reassured him that everything was fine.

Mum, on the other hand knew all about my plan because she was in my room while Kira and I were discussing the plan over the phone. She sent me a sneaky wink and smirked at me. I shook my head at her expression. Who knew my Mum would be this cool with me being in a relationship?

My parents and I had breakfast together then I went back to my room to briefly go over some interview questions. I then made a few phone calls to ensure everything would be perfect for the surprise I had planned.

I knew all the things I had to get for Sumedh. Given the fact that he was busy over the whole exhibition thing, he must have surely forgotten to shop for the occasion itself. I decided to buy a nice outfit for him to wear on the day, some of his favourite painting materials which were almost over and last but not the least, a ring. I owed him one, of course.

After a few phone calls between Dau, Kira and myself, it was now time for lunch. I had lunch along with my parents and informed them about not being home at night. Kira and I had spoken and she was going to pick me up after the interview. 

I got dressed and once I was decent enough to be going for an interview, I checked my bag for the last time to check whether I had everything. I put on my classy black heels and headed out. 

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