Chapter 13 - Sumedh

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Sumedh's POV

(after telling Miku about Jennifer)

I threw my phone on the bed and lied down on my back, staring at the ceiling. Phew! Today had been a long day. I told Mallika about the whole thing between me and Jennifer. I felt sorry for shouting at her. She had not done anything. She was quiet and didn't even ask me about that godforsaken painting. I don't know what came over me. I need to make it up to her.

I still remember the feeling I got when I slammed her door. She winced and shut her eyes tightly. As I got in on the other side, I felt immense pain to see her like this. I clutched the steering wheel so hard and didn't utter a word.

Then we got to the hill. My favourite place. I'd never brought a girl up here, even though I've known this place for a long time. I poured my heart out to her and for the first time I felt like someone wasn't judging me. She had listened so intently.

(thinking about when they first met)

A girl in a lavender dress at a wedding had caught my eye. I felt a deep connection, staring in those chocolate brown eyes of hers. That was soon broken when her friend took her away. I couldn't find her after that.

Little did I know, my ex would try to set me up with this girl. I was told I would be meeting with someone called Mallika. I was really not looking forward to meeting someone new. It was honestly such a lame attempt on her part, to make me feel better. Dating just wasn't for me at this point. I had so much pent up anger within me towards Jennifer for what she did.

It was easy for her having found who she wanted to be with for the rest of her life. But I had to pretend to be happy throughout this wedding. The only time I didn't pretend was when I was lost in those chocolate brown eyes of that girl's. It felt divine. 

We first met on the terrace at Jennifer's wedding, both of us admiring the serene atmosphere. We had spoken without knowing each other's names.

Later, I learnt that the girl was Mallika herself. I was a bit hard on Mallika at first because I thought she knew about this whole plan that Jennifer was conjuring, with the help of Jay, I suppose. But as it turns out, she was pretty clueless about this whole plan. That hide and seek game.. Or hide and hide I should say.. Was one of the experiences I will always cherish. We won and as reward, we got tickets for the Fantastic Beasts movie. I have to admit, I'm looking forward to that.

This girl was both childish and intelligent. We won the game that night for these very reasons. Of course, I had my input as well. She was a breath of fresh air. She was very shy. But during that game I caught a glimpse of the real her.

Then we met at the building where I work, she works there as well. Such a pleasant coincidence. I had seen her with her friend, Kira on her way to work and during lunch. She kept her friends close. That's one thing I noticed about her. She cared about people. Her kindness really radiated off her. I had her number so I texted her a few times. I'll admit it was kind of like stalking.

Then came the dinner. Her dad absolutely adored me, which was surprising both to her and me as well. During that dinner I found out that our dads were both friends. I offered to give her a ride the next morning. I remember how her eyes had widened. Hah. Mad girl.

After that dinner, I passed the children's playground on my way home and I remembered Maa and I used to walk these streets often to buy ice lollies. I saw the swing and it reminded me of something. What was it? A painting. One that I had made. That night I had called Mum to let her know I'll be late and I had turned to go back to my office, unable to wait till morning.

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