chapter 8

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thankyou for the support i'm aiming to update every week so please be patient lolollll

I turned my head to make eye contact with the man who called my name, The Captain. I gritted my teeth and felt many pairs of eyes seething into my skin. I sighed shakily and nodded,

'Reiner, you're dismissed to the medbay once again. L/N, over here, now,'

Historia's grip on my hand loosened and she let me go foward, the atmosphere was tense and ominous,

Levi's dark hair shielded most of his forehead and his clear grey eyes pierced through me, my heart shook slowly and my fingers trembled with many chills despite the weather being oddly warm.

I knew this time Levi wouldn't let me off so easily, I'd angered him, beyond petty arguments and screw-ups, his emotions were hidden he was completely still, staring me down like a hawk.

I walked until I stopped infront of him, he looked at the rest of the group and growled,

'Good job today, dismissed, get some food and I'll see you in an hour back here. Don't be a second late.' He shook his head and turned back to me, his hands shoved tightly into his pockets. The rest of the group filed out, giving nervous glances back to me every so often.

My sight drooped down to the floor and my eyes traced along the stone tiles on the ground, avoiding Levi's watchful eyes.

I shuddered to think what he was going to do, he should've spoke by now, a word, a sentence, anything would do.

I cant even begin to imagine how bad it looked to him, me pinning Reiner down, again, and even worse I had a literal knife pointed to the brutes face, there is and was no excuse, literally, apart from the fact I hate Reiner.

Shit, what the fuck is up with me?..

I kept my line of sight glued to the floor until a felt a hard smack across my cheek, I breathed shakily and gathered myself together, stumbling back a little as I did.

My eyes gradually moved up to connect with his, his tongue traced along the inside of his mouth and he shook his head gently,

'You got an explanation for whatever the fuck that was, Y/N?'

I stumbled over my words for a second and managed to form a sentence,

'I don't know what came over me, I've been feeling off all day and he caused the final straw for me. Sorry.' I cracked my fingers uneasily, and the corners of the captain's mouth curled up slightly,

'It's sir, to you.' He smirked and exhaled sharply before landing another slap to the other side of my face, I breathed heavily this time and shook my head,

'Aren't you even going to warn me what you're going to do?!' My voice cracked and Levi snickered,

'Fuck, I don't know, L/N? What do you need before you learn some respect, some self control, some anger management perhaps?' He had brought himself foward and his hand latched onto the front of my shirt forcefully pulling towards him, I struggled uncomfortably and his hand tightened on the skin on my jaw.

'Get it together.' He whispered sharply and then let his grip loosen on me, I felt the tension in the air lessen.

I bit my lip and my chest began to rise and fall faster with each second,

'I lashed out and I'm sorry, sir, Reiner provoked me and wound me up and I let my emotions get the better of me.'

I gasped and leaned back narrowly escaping Levi as he drew closer towards me,

'You had so many warnings, when will you learn? What's the point in apologising? I guarantee if I hadn't of showed up you would've killed Reiner, I'm serious.' Levi came to a halt and rolled up his sleeves, buttoning them back a little. The muscles in his arms tensed slightly as he did so and he let his arms tighten to fold across his chest.

'I didn't mean to, he said stuff that had been bothering me and I couldn't control my temper, I'm trying my best, I swear,' My lungs tightened and each breath was getting harder,

'Look, Y/N, I know you feel down about yourself, but you've got to get it together, this is unacceptable at this level, you've got to try harder, it's not good enough.'

The sentence again with the words that kept cutting deep, I could already feel my anger levels and insecurities rising.

I looked around, it was just us, in the almost silent courtyard. I shuffled my feet and Levi stood completely still, the gentle breeze ran past us and thats all it was for a few seconds,

Levi's eyes had softened slightly by the time I looked at him again. I couldn't read him, he never seemed to stay in one state for a while.

'Go.' He said slowly, looking me in the eyes.

My fists clenched and I swallowed the lump in my throat, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, wondering if I understood him properly.

'Reiner's a cunt.' The Captain said in a monotone voice, he looked me up and down and his face turned completely blank.
I took a step back, completely taken aback.
I laughed to myself, and he nodded his head towards the exit, I sighed and walked out, completely bewildered by the events that just took place.

I turned the corner and immediately let my weight collapse against the wall, I felt a rush overcome me and my cheeks flushed with a slight colour and I quickly got up and headed back to the others.

Why the hell did he let me go?

Levi stood alone in the courtyard for a brief second before exiting out of another exit.

another short one because i'm tired and i got school but like mmm suggestions in the comments ig thankuuu for reading

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