chapter 4

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I walked angrily out into the courtyard with the others clutching my hand in pain, tracing my finger across my stained knuckles. I watched as Reiner stumbled away through the halls to the medbay. I clenched my teeth and went to stand with Historia sternly.

I went about the rest of the day if nothing had happened, nervously anticipating meeting the Captain in his office. My heart rate stayed at a high level and I kept my hands balled into fists.

Hours passed and Reiner joined training. I teased him by standing next to him in the line-up. Levi eyed me up suspiciously and I smiled bitterly. He shook his head and I raised my eyebrows at him.

I went through training being careful not to make a wrong move to aggravate Levi further.

Levi cleared his throat and looked over to me,'Dismissed. Everyone go back inside. L/N, get over here.' I watched with boredom as the other cadets walked back into the main halls.

I groaned and scratched the back on my neck. I strolled over to the Captain minding my gait as I walked to assure I didn't look bothered even though I was nervous for what I was going to suffer.

Levi grabbed my wrist, 'Follow me, Cadet.' He grumbled to himself and let me around the other side of the courtyard to where the rooms and offices were. We passed other scouts who shot us curious glances and Levi continued through the hall without his eyes faltering.

'Captain.' A voice echoed behind, Levi's fingers tightened around my wrist and he spun around, me still stood behind him.

'I need to meet with you later to discuss some, changes.' I looked up and realised it was Erwin, his eyes flickered over me and I smiled politely. Levi, still holding on to my wrist, more gently now, nodded his head.

Erwins lips curled into a small smile and he turned around the other way.

The Captain shuffled on his feel and looked down to where his hand held my wrist, an unfamiliar look crossed his face and he adjusted his grip on my arm. I furrowed my eyebrows and before I could say anything he continued to lead me down the hallway into a much narrower corridor where two large dark doors lay at the end of it.

He pushed open the doors and finally let go of me. I rubbed my arm, taking in the surroundings.

His office was almost identical to Erwins, however it was a completely different style. It was darker than Erwin's, despite the curtains being at least half open. A large desk sat at one end of the room with only one armchair beside it and a large chair behind. A large plain rug was perfectly placed in the middle of the floor and the shelves around were almost plain bar a book or two, nothing like Erwins.

I breathed in the room smelt clean but like wood or smoke, but in a good and atmospherical way. There was not a spec of dust or a misplaced object in sight. True to The Captain's brand I guess.

He walked past me and stood behind his desk, gesturing for me to take a seat.

I sat in the large armchair, almost sinking into it completely before realising again where I was and who I'm with.

'Can I have your full attention if that's not too much, L/N?'

I brushed myself down and sat up straight, nodding my head.

'So, I'm here to administer a punishment for your-' He paused and looked down at my hands then up at my nose. My knuckles were covered in scratches and bumps from where I hit Reiner and the wounds had opened up. I rubbed my nose and realised there was blood now all over my hand.

'For god's sake you're bleeding.' He sighed exasperatedly. 'Sit still, brat, and don't even think about getting blood on my armchair.'

'Oh I wouldn't dare.' I mutter sarcastically and he shakes his head walking past me over to a door which seems to lead to a bathroom.

I hear the tap run and he emerges with a white rag, soaked in water. He struts over to stand infront of me and then bends down so his hands are level with mine on the chair.

He carefully reached for my hands, much more softly than I had imagined he would. He held my left hand in his hand and gently dabbed at my wounds on my knuckles to clean it up a little.

He turned around to hand me a dry cloth to stop the liquid pouring from my nose. I thanked him and held it to my nose, he looked at me and pushed the cloth onto my nose with pressure to actually stop the bleeding. He let go and let me do it, turning back to look at my hands.

He held my hands, alternating which one he had as he continued the process of dabbing at the blood.

Shivers ran up and down my spine and his fingers trickled over my knuckles and he wiped away the last stain. I almost didn't want this to end, I'd never seen him so relaxed before. He pulled away from me and looked me directly in the eyes, an unknown look swept across his face and he hurriedly turned around and sat in the large black chair behind his desk.

'As I was saying, you're actions this morning were out of line, what were you even thinking?' Levi looked down at the paperwork infront of him then his eyes trailed up my body and onto my face. I shifted my weight uncomfortable from foot to foot but he didn't seem to notice.

'You should be asking Reiner this. He's the one who insulted me and said I wasn't good enough to be training with you and him.' I spat and looked away, He shook his head and spoke roughly,

'Well, maybe you aren't good enough.' He sighed and leant back on his chair crossing his leg over.

I placed both my hands firmly onto his desk and look into his eyes,

'What?!..' I snarled and leaned closer towards him. He scoffed and pulled my weight towards him, grabbing the collar of my shirt and pulling my head close to the desk, he held me still,

'If you cant learn some goddamn respect, Y/N, we are gonna have some real problems.' He let me go forcefully and I held onto the desk for support before hoisting myself back into a standing position.

'You shouldn't have been so cocky with Reiner, never mind what he said, you crossed the line. Who knows what would've happened if I hadn't of stepped in.'

'I would've finished the bugger off.' I said angrily folding my arms. The captains eyes instantly burned into my pupils.

'Watch your tongue or you're not going to be able to leave this room without medical attention.' He looked me up and down again and then looked towards the wall nonchalantly. I gulped and put my hands together.

'Now, seeing that it's your first time actually in trouble with me, I'll let you off loosely. I'm a believer that pain is the best way to discipline someone, however, I'm not going to be doing that today.' He placed his hands on the desk. I swallowed hard and listened closely.

'Now, for your punishment, I'm deciding you're going to stick close to me all week and help me, along with Captain duties. You will sacrifice your free time to tend to things around the headquarters.'

'I'd rather experience pain than spend another minute with you' I raised and eyebrow and he smirked slightly,

'Oh i'm sure you would, this week is going to be amusing for me, don't you worry.' He chuckles and looks away as I writhed in seething anger.


sorry omt i haven't updated in a while hope you haven't left yet pls leave ideas below or wherever also the even thing is inspired by a Levi book called Submit

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