chapter 3

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The day had dragged on but it had been good, even after a day of being with my new friends I already felt like I could fit in.

I replayed the events of the day in my head and then headed over to Christa. She waited for me at the exit of the dinner hall, warmly smiling.

I watched her as she hugged Ymir goodbye and Ymir turned the corner, nodding slightly at me.

I received a note from Erwin earlier that day instructing me of the location of my new sleeping quarters.

I was going to share a room with Christa. I was quite happy with that as she seemed to be one of the kindest among them all.

We headed to our room together, I had already moved my things into my new room so I was ready to just slip into pyjamas and get into bed after a long day. She helped me arrange my bedside cabinet and then we both said goodnight and lay in our beds.

I lay awake for what felt like forever until I finally drifted into a peaceful sleep.


I awoke with a start the next morning, light bled through my eye lids and I looked up to see Christa fully dressed and opening the curtains. I groaned and put my hands over my face, shaking my head.

Christa laughed and her eyes sparkled, she gently pulled the covers away from me and chuckled again,

'You need to get up, we don't want to be late for the Captain.' She went over to by the door and slipped into her boots.

I rolled my eyes and turned over in my uncomfortable bed, 'God, I don't want to be anywhere near our Captain.' I rubbed my forehead gently before forcing my legs to move out of the bed.

Christa smiled at me and pointed to my uniform hung up on the bathroom door. She was a lot more organised than me. I thanked her and headed into the bathroom to get changed and tie my hair so it wouldn't bother me.

We finished getting ready then slipped down the hallways to breakfast. I laughed with her along the way and we caught up with Eren.

We headed over to the table and the three of us sat down where there was space. I looked at the burnt toast in my place and saw Jean standing in front of me passing me some butter.

'You were a bit late so I got you some breakfast.' He smiled and I was pleasantly surprised. I thanked him and then began to eat.

I was almost finished and so were the others until I zoned out and began hearing voices from the table behind. I recognised it to be Reiner speaking and Bertholdt chiming in once in a while.

I tilted my head slightly and listened in,

'She's a real bitch. She doesn't belong with us. And, the Captain told us to go easy on her so she can't be that good can she? Hmph.' Reiner's voice resounded in my head and the hair on my arms stood up.

Were they talking about me?!

He chortled to himself and continued,
'Y/N isn't good enough to be with us. I don't know what the Commander saw in her to move her up to our level, she's not nearly at my standards.'

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists under the table. I heard Bertholdt laugh and I couldn't help myself.

I shook my head and my breathing quickened. I chuckled to myself and pushed myself up using the table, I brought my legs out from the chair and tilted my head to the side.

My body turned slowly to face Reiner, I saw a suprised look cross over his face. I smiled bitter sweetly, my lips pressed together and I took a step closer to the table. I felt heads from my table turn towards me.

I strolled over to where Reiner was sat and stood opposite him, I pressed both my hands hard down onto the table making a loud noise.

I leaned over him and coughed,

'Would you care to repeat that?'

'Well, speak of the devil.' He growled and nudged Bertholdt who looked down at the floor slightly.

I eyed him up and down, a sparkle in my eye,
'I asked you a question. Would you like the repeat what you were saying?'

'Don't talk to me like that, fuckface.' Reiner ordered and stood up from the table walking around to face me, I didn't care who was watching. I was settling this here.

'You said I couldn't fight? Bring it on, mate.' I retorted coldly, before he realised what I said I grabbed his wrist and pushed my weight down with all my might, twisting it as I went. I launched all of my strength into my fist and connected with his face. He winced in pain and red liquid trickled from his mouth as he stood back in shock.

He spat and his eyebrows knitted together, he shook his arm and winced from pain. His eyes travelled up to my face and his jaw tensed.,

'You're gonna get it now, dickhead.' He scoffed and pulled his fists up to his face, hitting me in the nose before I could react.

Blood poured from my nostrils, I jerked my head to the side and chewed the inside of my mouth.

I lunged forward pulling myself onto his back, I saw a small crowd gather around us, I was surprised the Captains and Commander hadn't heard the commotion and came into the hall yet, but honestly I was relieved.

I dragged Reiner to the floor by wrapping my legs tightly around his shoulders pulling him down with my weight. I leaned on his legs  and straddled him, holding his wrists down. Leaving him struggling to move.

My eyes flashed and my teeth were bared. I pulled back my fist and hit him squarely in the jaw, I repeated my actions, left to right, left to right. Veins pulsed in his temples. I stared at the handiwork of cuts I had left on his face and smiled sickly.

I wrapped my hands around his throat, shaking his head slightly  and my knee pressed into his stomach. I was beyond my breaking point, I wanted this man dead, whether he deserved it or not.

I kept my hands around him tightly, he coughed and spluttered digging his fingernails into my hands.

It was only when I felt a pair of strong hands wrap themselves around my waist, pulling me away from the brute's body that I was forced to stop.

I tossed and turned in the grip that was around me. I curled my hands around the fingers that were on my waist and tried to bend them until I felt myself falling to the floor. I hit the floor with my head and my vision faltered.

I saw blurred faces above me and focused until I saw the angry looking Captain stood above me.

My blood curdled and I attempted to push away from the floor, he knelt down and pressed his leg onto my stomach holding me down.

I breathed heavily and he raised his voice intimidatingly,

'What the fuck do you think you're doing, Cadet!?' He demanded looking down at me and occasionally over to Reiner who was now on his feet.

I stuttered and Levi leant over me and grabbed my shirt pulling me up aggressively, I smacked his hand away and his expression became unreadable.

'Get off me.' I narrowed my eyes and he pulled his sleeves up slightly,

'Don't disobey me, especially after a performance like that.' His slender hand touched my skin as he solidly slapped me across my right cheek.

I gasped and my breathing was cut off, I held onto the side of my face in anguish and Levi grabbed me by the hand pulling me down slightly,

'My office, immediately after training.' He said sharply before pulling away and addressing the others.

Levi looked busy and too fed up to care so he rushedly ordered the Cadets.
'Get out to the back and start stretching, Reiner go to the medbay.' He turned around and left the hall in a hurry.

I stood there stunned, clutching my face. Christa ran up to me with tissues and ice and immediately sat me down to help me.

I was grateful but, I was so mad. Reiner made me look like I was insane, I didn't regret hurting him but I wish it happened somewhere quieter where no one would hear him yell. Especially not Captain Levi.

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