chapter 15

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previously: levi attempted to expose your insecurities in his words however, you did the exact same back to him and you both shared a moment of vulnerability

He kept his gaze drifting from my lips to eyes, slowly, his eyes seemed to move gently as if he was scared of what to say next.

This moment, it was a side of him I hadn't seen, a vulnerable side. He seemed weaker, smaller, yet all the more attentive and gentle.

'So, it did mean something to you, the shirt, the night?' My words barely escaped my mouth, my hand was clasped tightly onto the clothes gripping my body; Levi looked at me and shook his head in distress, I could almost see the thoughts behind his eyes.


He lurched forward and grabbed my shirt, he held onto it tightly and his face was barely a millimetre away from mine, he held it. He held it, he didn't let go, he didn't want to let go. His chest heaved up and down and his breath became heavy,

'What are you doing to me, Y/N?' A clear look of confusion crossed his face, he furrowed his brow and bit his lip before roughly letting me go. I stood in shock and, i felt the corner of my lip tremble.

He turned around and paced about the room. He looked at me and then away again at least a dozen times, I remained completely still; not daring to move. He looked at me with his gray eyes and he didn't avert his gaze for even a second. His lip trembled, and he stuttered for a short moment.

'I can't.' His words crawled out of his mouth as if he was barely wanting to make a sound.

'You can't what, Levi?' My head cocked to the side and he continued to pace the room until he reached his chair for what must have been the twentieth time and lowered himself into it. His arm supported his chin and then he buried his face in his hands,

'I can't look at you.' He moaned quietly and a small drop of water began to form in the corner of his eye, the look on his face was almost confusion, bordering on anger and helplessness. He didn't understand his own emotions, keeping them buried for so long he'd never even faced them before.

'Talk to me.' I said in a low and quiet voice, I still stood, completely still on the other side of the room. I looked at him pitifully and he let out a sigh.

He didn't speak, he didn't respond, he didn't give any inclination that he was going to say something. I gulped a little and walked towards him, his eyeline slowly levelled with mine and he didn't break the contact until I reached his chair, I made him face me, I was stood looking down on him; his gray eyes filled with clouds of emotions, he was lost, truly, lost.

'Please.' He said, his voice cracked on every sound escaping his mouth, I kept my eyes locked on his and I reached forward allowing my hand to run through his hair, his eyes had always been unreadable, unintelligible, his emotions had always been a mystery, maybe he didn't even understand them himself.

I feel like this had just been waiting to happen.

I pressed my lips together for a second and inched even closer to him until I was almost leaning on him, I lifted my left leg up onto one side of his body and my right leg to the other. I pulled myself forward and he slowly pulled my neck towards his face, our lips brushed for a brief moment and heat ran throughout every part in my body, every single sense was on edge, his hands and arms lifted away and made their way around my waist, drifting lower and higher.

I finally leaned in and my lips locked onto his, we didn't break connection until we had to breathe again. We looked at eachother in silence, every single feeling that had been lingering in the air suddenly relieved. He began to stand up, I tightened the grip of my legs around his waist and he held me from underneath and he kissed me again. He kissed me harder, he kissed me again. He leant my body against the desk in front of him and his right hand edged towards my neck, he gently pulled me closer, kissing me once again, and then again. More feeling in each one, his left hand gripped my thigh and I let my hands run down the front of his white shirt, I undid the very top button and my eyes stayed glued to his, he let his hand cup my face and then ran his fingers over my hair.

My thoughts were all over the place but not one of them was clear enough to make out, all I could think about was how this, this is what I realised I always wanted, but couldn't have.

I got to the last button and he lifted me higher, further away from lying on the desk, his hand was now on the small of my back and I pulled his shirt away from his body. He breathed and laid me down on the desk once again, his hand caressing my thigh. He began on my top button and my hands were on his chest trying to stay as close to him as possible. I couldn't help but moan slightly at each kiss he placed on my body.

He removed the shirt from my body and he paused and admired me for a moment that felt like forever, he smiled to himself and my cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. I couldn't believe it, he was looking at me with such a desire in his eyes.

His body was now closer to being on top of mine, he kissed my chest and my neck, he kissed all over my body, massaging my thigh, he wasn't shy with there being marks where he'd kissed my body, he seemed pleased with himself. I slowly lifted myself up and our lips broke contact. He held me tightly until my feet touched the ground, I gestured towards the chair and he immediately sat down, never taking his eyes off me. I knelt in front of him.

'Are you sure about this?' I said looking up at him,

'Oh fuck I'm sure.' He sighed heavily and watched me unzip his pants.

My heart pounded at least 60 times a second.

His head flicked back and a moan escaped his mouth. He gripped the arms on the chair until his hands made their way to my head and he was pulling on my hair with his grip tightening every so often, until finally, he let out a long and satisfied sigh as I stopped and he let himself go.

His chest leaped up and down and his hand gently stroked my face, we both sat, completely relaxed and also, just as shocked as one another. A loud bell rang throughout the building,

'Freetime.' He said, and nothing else, I laughed and leant against his knee.

'Oh my god, freetime .' I said and quickly grabbed my, or should I say his, shirt and rapidly buttoned it up.

'What?' Levi's eyes narrowed and went back their usual unimpressed manner, he stood up and began adjusting his trousers, while looking at me.

'Won't Erwin be confused if Im not around and in your room again?' I said and his face immediately showed his realisation, he threw me my jacket and the rest of my uniform from inside his room and I realised I could just put my shirt back on, however, i chose to bury that thought.

'Clean yourself up in the bathroom quickly and you can have a proper shower at your dorm.' He dismissed me and I shuffled away to his bathroom. I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

What the hell just happened, and why does it feel like he's acting like it didn't just happen?

My whole body was still alight with nerves but I combed my hair and washed my face, hoping to look like I'd just been ill, instead of like I just sucked off the Captain.

'Leave now and I'll go in a few minutes.' Levi said as I emerged from the bathroom, I looked at him, wondering if he'd say anything else, and he didn't.

I immediately diverted my eye contact and slammed the door.

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