chapter 18

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prev: you and eren were on the roof together.

Our chests ended up inches apart and he had his hand somehow placed upon my chin, he pulled my face towards his own and left a kiss on my right cheek.

I smiled slightly and then pulled away from him. We didn't say much the whole way back to the canteen. The halls were almost empty, a few people loitered about, some were reading or passing time in their rooms  while others were outside soaking up the last hours of brightness.

We continued forward in a peaceful silence and Eren seemed hesitant to say goodbye, but only for a short while; he seemed to notice something at the end of the hallway and began making haste in leaving me. All of a sudden he stopped abruptly and the atmosphere became awkward.

He flashed a quick smile, avoiding my eyes while he rapidly squeezed my left hand and then he dashed around the corner before I could even open my mouth.

I looked down the hallways and I couldn't see anything other than the dim lanterns and the curtains blowing slightly from the right wall's gust.

I brushed off Eren's behaviour and continued down the hallway, attempting to get to my room as fast as I could- just in case.

I passed doorway after doorway and corridor after corridor until I heard a voice behind me.


'I don't believe Cadets are allowed on the roof without proper supervision.' The voice was all too familiar now, the cold tone seeped into my skin, running down my spine.

'Hm? Did you not hear me?' I stayed completely still, staring straight infront. He was behind me and gently moved my hair behind my ear, I felt his warm breath prickle my neck.

'Tsk. L/N, what's that on your neck?' He gasped and whispered sarcastically. Running his fingers over the marks he left.

His hand held my neck and electricity ran through me, I grabbed his wrist and used the motion to turn my body, I prepared myself to shout but his eyes seemed to soften when they locked onto mine, I leaned in and so did he.

We were centimetres apart and then we both paused,  completely still. His fingers traced along my cheek and then he shook his head.

'Aren't you going to yell at me?' I whispered, my voice low.

No response.

'What?' I said,

'You were so sure I wasn't allowed up there, just now' I said again, louder this time,

'What is it?' I said, hoping for any response.

He looked up slowly and cocked his head to the side,

He went down the hallway until we were out of the main corridors, he slowly backed me into a wall and his hand rested on my shoulder and the other on the wall.

I did not let my eyes leave his.

'The roof is off limits.' He said shortly,

'You mentioned that.' I couldn't read what he was trying to tell me,

After a moment of silence, he interrupted it harshly and quickly,

'Did Eren notice your neck? I can't have anyone knowing about- about our time together.' He almost spat the last three words, as if he couldn't bring himself to think of it.

'Yes, but he doesn't think anything of it, I convinced him otherwise. Don't worry, I wouldn't dare tarnish your perfect reputation.' I yanked myself out of his grip and he leant his head onto the wall.

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