chapter 14

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'Erwin wanted to speak to me about you today.'

'He did?'

I asked, absolutely terrified of the answer Levi would bring.

'Erwin mentioned how he saw you in my office,'
He cleared his throat, 'Wearing just my shirt. You can imagine that that was awkward to explain.' Another sharp breath escaped his mouth,

'After seeing you, he checked your records to see how you were getting on and noticed how much shit, you've been in lately Y/N, especially with Reiner. He said it was disappointing to see it from someone like you,' Levi's eyes remained focused and his emotions still changeless.

He cut me off,

He leaned back slowly on his chair and adjusted the collar on his shirt,

'Erwin was excited for you to move up groups, Cadet. So was I, believe it or not. I mean you had an almost perfect record, high scores and you were better than the rest of your group.' He looked me up and down and I shivered slightly,
'I'd known of you for a while and so had he, and of course, Hanji had too.' A slight shake ran over a few of his words as he spoke, it hurt to hear him speak like this, I felt like I was letting them all down, this definitely was not what i thought Erwin or him were going to talk to me about.

I'd always thought Levi didn't want me in his group at all.

I hung onto every single second of his silence almost hoping he'd give me some sort of caring advice or speech, he opened his mouth to speak and I eagerly awaited his words.

'Things changed it seems,' He paused once again, and my whole body became rigid waiting for his next sentence, his tone was suggestive and I couldn't distinguish the positive from the negative.

'I suppose you're more selfish than I had first thought; on paper, you're brilliant, the perfect candidate for me, but I just don't see that from you.' His bitter words sunk in and I anxiously awaited his next, I don't know any other person who could destroy me and in a few, honest sentences.

'You're flawed- you make rash decisions, you think of yourself first and you aren't reliable, for anyone.
You don't care about respect, or order or rules.'

He looked at me, his stare burnt through my skin and I felt my cheeks become hot, my chest tightened up and I fiddled with my fingers, I broke the eye contact I held with him and looked towards the floor. I couldn't believe him. He continued to look at me, willing me to say something.

It was unexpected, how could he say I didn't care? Of course I cared, I loved everyone in the group?

Clearly my anger poured through my face, and he looked at me,

'Say something, Cadet.'

'Lose your temper.'

'Lose control.'

A rush washed over me, a cold shiver edged it's way up my spine and I leaned forwards, I gulped and my throat was completely dry, I felt like the life had drained out of me. My brain was completely empty.

'I don't know what to say.'

All I could think was the things he had said playing over and over in my head like a broken record, I thought and thought it over.
My leg shook rapidly and my lip quivered,

'Think of something Y/N, be reliable, like you so seem to think you are.'

His words felt vile, they stung like thousands of needles and the annoyance it caused me was like nails on a chalkboard, unexplainable rage.

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