chapter 2

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After I fought Eren, I tackled the other cadets, trying to prove myself. I felt the Captains judgemental eyes constantly on me. I knew he didn't think I was good enough and he was going to try every method to keep me knocked down.

I fought the others with more ease but it was definitely not effortless. I particularly struggled against Mikasa and Reiner but I eventually manged to catch them off guard and get them to the floor. Mikasa congratulated me and I saw her give me a small half smile before she made her way over to Eren and Armin. Reiner, however, gave me a dirty look and seemed to mutter something under his breath as he marched over to Bertholdt, engaging in a deep conversation, giving slide glances towards me.

The Captain watched me fight intently but he watched with a strange look on his face, like he was always looking down on me, looking for anything he could pick on.

He looked annoyed with me, his foot tapped slightly and his eyes were narrowed towards me. I couldn't gauge what he was thinking, his face relaxed and he became stoic once again, I looked at him raising my right eyebrow,

'Is there a Problem?' I said while folding my arms, he clenched his teeth and looked away.

I gathered in a circle with the others and they complimented my techniques and laughed about random things. I felt like I could really fit in with these people given a day or two.

Levi broke the circle and we gathered around him again, he eyed us all carefully and sighed exasperatedly.

'You're going to spar in pairs now. Choose a partner and space yourselves out, if that's not too difficult for you.' He glared at me and I furrowed my eyebrows. What the fuck was his problem?

Jean looked at me and smiled slightly, I decided to partner up with him as he was stood next to me. He seemed like an okay person, unlike Reiner. The tall blonde brute still had his eyes trained on me, visible anger brewing behind them.

We did a few good rounds of dodging and hitting until Jean got distracted by nothing and decided to stand still, staring into space, I saw him look at Mikasa for a bit until he realised I was looking at him.

We ended up talking about nonesense, moving slowly and putting in the bare minimum of effort- instead of doing things properly.

I laughed with Jean until I realised stood next to where Eren and Mikasa were practicing was an angry looking man- Levi.

The Captain marched over to us with his hands behind his back. I rolled my eyes and Jean snickered to himself slightly too loudly. He exchanged a worried look with me when he realised the Captain was looking directly at him, piercing into his soul almost.

'Something funny, horseface?' Levi spat and his nostrils flared. He looked at us with now a questioning yet patronising face.

'No, sir.' He looked at his feet and shook his head, the Captain's lips curled slightly and he exhaled heavily before moving away. I couldn't help myself and I burst into laughter, Jean clasped his hand over my mouth and he bit his lip to hold in his own amusement. We both looked up in equal embarrassment, holding back the floods of laughter. We quickly composed ourselves and I pressed my lips together.

Levi spun around and folded his arms, he glared at me and straightened his jacket. Looking me up and down in the process.

'Watch your mouth, new kid.' He snarked, in a demeaning tone. He turned away for a second- he heard me whispering random things jokingly to Jean after his back turned away from me.
Levi's face became angry, he did well hiding it but I could see the rage behind his grey eyes. His lips curled into a look of disgust,

'Who do you think you are, Cadet?' He stood completely still, I fell silent for a brief second while he spoke again, I could admit, knowing he was Humanity's best soldier and one of the strictest Captains added an edge to his words.

'Go on, share with us what you whispered to Jean.' He raised his eyebrows and clenched his fists. His eyes carried a smug expression.

'I'd rather not.' I remarked, as I almost yawned slightly. He face scrunched slightly and he exhaled, as if he was in thought. He glared at me before looking away dismissively.

Ten long minutes passed and the Captain dismissed the lesson to our relief. I thought over the ends and pushed the Captain's words aside.

We all began heading back to the dinner hall to grab some lunch, the others walked ahead into the building in front. I followed them until I felt a strong grip around my arm. I whipped my head around and grunted.

I looked across to see Levi's face twisted into a unfamiliar expression. He pulled my wrist tightly and brought me close to him. I could feel his warm breath along my neck and I shivered.

I could feel his energy next to me. My heart pounded in my chest, the air had been snatched from my lungs. I hated following orders, I hated being looked down on and underestimated. Somehow, Levi had managed to do all three. I was right where he wanted me.

He hissed sharply into my ear, 'Drop the attitude, brat. I can get you out of this group just as quickly as you got in.' I tensed my jaw slightly and shook my wrist out of his tight grip, I nodded my head and walked away from him. He brushed himself down and tutted under his breath.

He was clearly frustrated and I couldn't care less, my plan was to stick around, as much as I hated him: I didn't want to get kicked down. But, I also wasn't about to let him walk all over me.

I entered the building ahead of me and went to find the others so I could finally catch a break and a chat.

As much as I was getting to know my new friends, even after only a day, I couldn't stop thinking about the way the Captain had glared at me countless times. It seemed he had something planned for me, nothing in my favour though.


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