chapter 22

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'Everything alright?' Hanji scratched the back of their head and looked us both up and down,

'Sorry, the Captain was just helping me fix my gear.'

I smiled kindly and once I turned around- my back to Hanji; I winked at Levi.

He adjusted his shirt,

I smiled proudly,

I had the power.

I joined my friends and we swung through the trees using our ODM gear. We came to a halt eventually and sat atop the dormitory rooftops. The sun lay brightly across us as we waited for a conversation piece.

'I wonder when Eren will be back.' Mikasa said, almost to herself. Jean looked up and began talking,

'Eren must've annoyed the Captain a bunch, it was definitely personal.' Mikasa shot me a quick glance as the others listened.

I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty.

'I don't know, shall we take some gear from the stash and bring it to him? I feel bad about him missing out on all this.' I said, shrugging my shoulders, a hand fell onto my shoulder, Armin.

'It's not your fault Y/N- don't feel bad. Besides, if the Captain ever caught us, we'd be done for.' He smiled at me and drew his hand away.

'I'm sure he'll be back soon,' Jean added,

I pushed myself to my feet and adjusted my clothes. Maybe a small part of me just wanted to spite Levi but mostly, I think: I wanted to help Eren..

The others looked at me and I nodded my head, dropping myself off the ledge of the roof, landing securely on my feet using the air from the gear.

Levi had gone inside to grab a drink: it was now or never.

I ran over to the opposite side of the courtyard, the ODM gear heavy against my sides, and headed straight towards the stands that were once full of gear. My gaze set on the first I could find but somehow, my eyes were averted to the slightly larger, cleaner set on the wall, belonging to the Captain, without hesitation I slung the set over my shoulder. It's weight was tougher, especially on my arms.

I looked up at the others and saluted before launching myself into the air. I watched as they smiled and shook their heads.

I knew he was near the titans so I leaped over stone building after stone building before reaching a clearing where there stood tall nets and turrets surrounded by fences. I saw someone stood infront of the titans, hands on their hips. Hanji.

To the left of her, Eren stood, passing her equipment. I whistled and laughed as he looked at me in amazement. I lowered myself down the wall and walked over to the pair.

'Hey, Hanji,' I said, calmly.

'Good to see you, Y/N! What are you doing here?' They replied, adjusting their glasses.

'Captains orders, Eren has to get back now.' I turned to face him and handed him the gear off my shoulder. He grinned and began to fasten it to himself eagerly.

'Ah- thankyou for your help Eren and don't let Ackerman scare you all that much, he's a softie really.' They laughed to themselves and brushed Eren's shoulder.

I scoffed and they raised her eyebrows at me before ushering us away from the titans.

Eren and I leapt into the sky,

'So why does the Captain wants me back- I mean, I'm not complaining it's just a suprise.' He shouted over the noise of the slapping wind.

'He doesn't, I just didn't want you to miss out anymore.'

Eren smiled to himself and we flew, picking up speed until we reached our friends.


A whistle blew. We began our return to the courtyard, red faces from the racing across the vast stretches of grass, games of tag that stretched across miles and the practicing  of fighting in the air.

'Neatly return your equipment and head to the dining hall.'

His eyes fell upon mine and a disapproving glance crossed his face.

I shrugged my shoulders and joined the queue to return equipment; I was at the back.

My friends filed away one by one into the dining room and I followed behind them until I felt a hand on my wrist.

'Very clever, L/N, very clever.'

'What are you talking about, Captain?' I said innocently, batting my eyelashes.

I loosened myself from his grip and began walking. I walked slowly, knowing he would grab me again but it was only until I reached the doors that realised he wasn't following me anymore. My stomach twisted a little but i carried on. Unusual.

I sat down with my friends and we tucked into a large roast dinner. It felt like forever since I'd had a proper meal.

I saw Levi entering through a door the other side of the dining room, a serious look on his face.

Before I could be distracted any longer, I felt someone stood behind me. Their presence was large and I could feel the warmth of their body close to my back.

'You think you've impressed the Captain lately?'


When I first moved up to this group, he'd had it out for me. He had never believed I belonged and he never thought I was good enough. I thought, I'd proven myself by the numerous times we almost killed eachother but no- he still has a problem with me.

I turned my head slightly and looked up at him.

'You got real close to the Captain today, I saw you talking to him. Alone.' He said his words in such a manner I could've exploded, he narrowed his eyes and smirked slyly. I kept my composure. Somehow.

'He was helping me fix my gear-'

'Do you spend a lot of time fixing eachother's gear? You know- alone.'

'What are you saying?' I hissed and the loudness of my voice inched upwards with every syllable. I got up from my seat and he took a feeble attempt at insulting me again.

'You- you haven't worked at all to get to where you are, you're a wh-'


My fist collided with his face.

He gripped his cheek and looked at me in disgust.

'You're a dick.' I cocked my head to the side and smiled


My fist collided with his face. Again.

author note: just a reminder if u haven't read the first like, 10 chapters in a while: y/n had moved up from a lower cadet group as she was outperfoming her group and Reiner has always resented her, they've had a few nasty fights and kept their distance for a while. (hopefully this reminds you of the Reiner hatred we had)

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