chapter 12

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- i didnt réalise how long it had been without an update!! i'll be back on track soon i cant thank you enough for the continued support! :)

Previously: Levi had helped you after a fight with Reiner and you ended up in his room for the night.

I felt the weight shift beneath me, the bed moved underneath me slightly and I sighed. My leg and face ached, I moved my arms but every change left pain running through my body- Reiner caught me pretty off guard. My head, pounding, seemed to regain it's consciousness, my eyelids slowly lifted open and the light from the small window to the left of me bled all over the white sheets.

The night before came back to me in a blur and my hand instinctively reached out to the right side of the bed but it was empty. I sighed. I wouldn't let myself admit to it but I guess a part of me hoped Levi would've still been there but, obviously not, he's my Captain; that's all there is to it.

I pulled my body upwards and looked outside, there was nothing to see apart from another wall slightly lower and fields for a few miles ahead.

Levis shirt covered the top of my thighs, I turned to the side and pushed to my feet. Shooting pains coursed through my body but I breathed tightly and headed to the door, I opened it slowly and saw Levi's study was empty. I groaned quietly and looked for a clock, it was 11:30?

I'm late to training. Levi's going to kill me.

That was all that went through my mind until i realised that night I was Levi's responsibility. I stood in the room helplessly and waited a moment or two, the front door opened forcefully and I assumed it was Levi until a much taller, blond figure entered.

'L/N.' He stood and he tightened the grip he had on the papers he clutched in his hand, he looked me up and down and then trained his eyes on my face,

'S-sorry Commander, Levi was- He helped me with my injuries and I-' I stuttered, god i felt so useless, I couldn't even explain myself, Erwin looked at me and nodded his head,

'You're injured, it's fine Cadet. Get dressed if you can and go out to see Levi. Oh, also put these papers on his desk, thanks' He smiled and closed the door behind him.

A wave of relief washed over me, that could've gone a whole lot worse. I placed the papers in the middle of Levi's desk and headed to get changed, I put on my clothes from yesterday as they weren't dirty apart from a little blood on the collar, they would do for now.

I spent a while composing myself and trying to freshen up. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, I rubbed where my eye bags were and ran my hand over my head.

I walked to the door and gently opened it and then pushed it closed behind me.

I walked down the hallways slowly, being careful not to over exert myself too quickly on my injuries. I turned the corner and headed towards the canteen, it was about lunch time.

I spotted Eren sat with Mikasa, Jean and Armin and I decided to make my way over, they all looked at me, confused expressions all over their faces.

As I went over, I saw Levi out of the corner of my eye, I wasn't sure what to do so I stared a second until I saw him look away as if he didn't even know me.

I didn't let it bother me, at least on the surface and I took a seat next to Eren.

'You alright, dude?' Eren asked putting his hand on my shoulder, I leaned back, taken aback by his sudden reaction.

'Yeah, why? what?' I looked at his hand and then back at him,

'Historia said you didn't come back to your room? And The Medbay said you weren't checked in once.' Eren spoke slowly, as if he were baffled by my presence,

'Oh, I'm fine. I spent the night- ... uh, The Captain sorted it all out for me.' I laughed it off and Eren removed his hand from my shoulder,

'We were worried Y/N,' Mikasa said while smiling lightly at me,

'Yeah what did Levi do with you?' Jean piped up, I looked at him and my heart skipped a beat,

'Well since there was no one in the medbay he made sure I wasn't bleeding then sent me to go sleep.' I focused on not stuttering, I managed it okay. 'I'm fine now I think, I just need a little more rest.' I added to avoid more questions.

Eren wrapped his arm around my shoulder and shook me slightly,

'Glad you're back.' He said and smiled, I smiled back and caught a glimpse of Levi across the room, he was stood at the far corner drinking tea, Hanji spoke quickly next to him and he listened quietly, he looked over in my direction and my eyes drifted back onto Eren.

Levi walked over to our table, I felt my heart beat a little fast with each passing second,

'L/N, a moment.' He used his head and beckoned me over to him, I got up and walked towards him,

'Are you alright now?' He uttered without a hint of concern in his voice,

'I feel much better, Sir. I'll be ready to train again tommorow.' I looked at my feet a little and then back at him,

'Alright. Make sure you rest properly, Cadet.' He looked right into my eyes, I couldn't read even one emotion in his grey eyes and it frustrated me.

I walked away from him and I could feel his gaze still on my back.

No one could read him, not even if he told them his exact thoughts.


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