chapter 9

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sunday afternoon:

I sat down at a table on my own, patiently waiting for a friend to sit down when I heard a recognisable voice behind me,

'Y/N!' The voice exclaimed happily, I turned around to see Hanji smiling at me with open arms.

'Hey! It's good to see you!' I said happily, feeling relieved it was Hanji and not the Captain.

'How've you been finding it in the new group?' They asked as they sat down next to me, I shifted my body and faced towards them,

'It's been alright, or at least better than I thought.' I fiddled with my fingers and they smiled gently,

'I heard about some of the problems, Levi's mentioned you quite a few times..' They cleared their throat a little and my breath faltered,

mentioned me?..

'He's talked about me?' I laughed a little and Hanji looked confused,

'Mhm, Erwin, the others and I were there. I mean you did try to fucking kill Reiner so it's understandable you were mentioned, L/N.' They cackled to themselves and my cheeks flushed red,

'Well I-' I was interrupted by a deep voice behind us,

'Having fun there Hanji? Don't you have titans to attend to?' He questioned,

'Shut it, little one,' They remarked back, clearly entertained by their own jokes,

Levi grunted and drew his gaze onto me.

I finally turned around and the Captain stood as stoic as ever, Hanji rolled their eyes and got up, they patted me on the head and bid me farewell. I smiled to myself before I turned back to the Captain who was eyeing me up. My face fell into an immediate frown.

'What?' My fingers intertwined on my lap and then I pushed myself to stand,

'It's, yes, sir, to you Cadet. Need I remind you again and we'll have another problem.' He paused and looked me up and down, I felt heat build beneath my cheeks and I held my breath a second until I could be calm again.

'I need your help with something.' He muttered and my head tilted to the side,

'What? I was gonna meet Eren here,'

'I don't remember asking what you were doing. If you remember, I'm your Captain, don't question what I say, for gods sake, L/N.'

He yanked me by the wrist and I followed him out of the room and down a hallway towards his office. I groaned as we walked knowing Eren would wonder where i went.

I grunted to myself and on the way to Levi's office, I saw Jean, he smiled at me politely and his gaze immediately locked onto my wrist, the Captain's slender hands were clasped around it, a worried look crossed the boy's face and he stopped to stare until Levi gave him a stern look as if to turn him away.

We continued down the hall until we entered his office, he guided my towards the chair and told me to sit down,

'We're here again?' I said, quickly shutting my mouth remembering where I was.

I sat in the chair in front of his desk and he moved slowly across the room to face opposite me, his hands slammed against the table and he leaned forward until his face was not far from mine, I shifted my weight under me and he looked into my eyes. I felt nervous, uncomfortable and somehow, turned on. I disregarded the feeling as fast as I could and focused on not letting my breathing slip.

He paused and just seemed to forget himself, I nervously played with my fingers and his breath became sharp, I glued my lips together and breathed slowly. It felt like a lifetime but it was only a few short seconds, soon to be forgotten or go unnoticed by Levi at least.

The atmosphere grew tense and Levi gritted his teeth and leaned back a little, I pulled myself up a little after sinking into the chair, the Captain seemed unfazed so, I collected my thoughts and remained professional.

He stumbled over his first few words but instantly regained himself,

'I know I seem to have this discussion with you almost every week at least now but, you're out of line, L/N.' He leant his hand on the table and straightened his posture, I remained silent, not wanting to upset him much more,

'If you can't get it together, I'll make sure every day here is hell. You'll end up with no one. You'll end up with nothing to do, and it will be hell.'

I gulped,

'I'm sorry, sir.' My brain was scattered,

he didn't have that much power? right?

'Don't, and I repeat, don't, ever second guess what I say. You're going to sort your act out, and you're going to do it now, understand..?' His eyes narrowed and I felt my throat tighten.

The room grew completely silent.

I stayed completely still, he walked over to beside my and I kept my gaze glued infront of me.

He yanked my collar to the side and his voice lowered completely,

'Do you understand?' I felt his warm breath against my neck and I shuddered,

'I understand.' I said quickly as he tightened his grip on my shirt,

'I understand, sir.' He said this time even closer to me,

'I understand, sir.' My leg shuddered up and down with nerves and Levi's hand traced along my jaw before he roughly let my shirt out of his grip.

I hurried to my feet and stood as smartly as possible.

'You're pathetic.' He snarled as he nodded for me to leave.

My breath shook as I rushed out of the door, I walked down the hallway until I stopped around a corner and let my body collapse against the wall. I shook my head.

The Captain hated me, most likely, well it was hard to tell as his expression rarely ever fluctuated.

I rubbed my forehead and tried to forget every single feeling I felt while in that office. I heard a loud voice infront of me,

'Where the hell have you been?' It was Eren, I don't know why but recently we've become close and honestly, he's not too bad.

'I was with the Captain.' I sighed,

'Again? On our day off?' Eren pulled me up from against the wall and I smiled briefly,

'Yeah, I think he has it in for me.' I shrugged my shoulders,

'Yeah it seems that way,' Eren brushed it off and we carried on down the hallway together.


i'm so sorry for a lack of updates i'm aiming to update more keep leaving comments and stuff so i know ur enjoying it tho :) sorry if the plots kind of messy i forgot a lot of things ahahah

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