chapter 20

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'Bit late for you, isn't it, L/N?!'

I turned around and saw the Captain, we held eye contact and he looked me up and down,

'Where have you been, Cadet?'

'Busy, Captain.'

He took a step towards me and his expression remained the same, I raised my eyebrows;

'Do we need to discuss this matter in my office?' He said, his eyes drifting all over my body.

'God, you might aswell just beg for me at this point.' I rolled my eyes playfully and a flicker of amusement crossed his face. He inched closer to me yet again, running his fingers over my hand, his grip loosening and tightening every so often.

'Mmm, I don't think I need to.' He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me towards him. Our lips interlocked and he walked backwards until my back was against the wall. I laughed and tossed my head back slightly, allowing him to kiss my neck.

He pulled away slowly and held loosely onto my waist while I rested my arms on his shoulders, smiling. His eyes were softer than usual, kinder; the deep grey was complimented by the flicker of light resting on the surface of his iris. My gaze was broken when the long stream of light breaking up the dark shadows in the corridor flickered, I removed my hands from Levi's shoulders and looked down the hallway, I could see the outline of a person who had just moved into the light of the corridor.

'Y/N, is that you?! I got lost after we went different ways!' The voice echoed with a light and gentle tone,

Levi's eyes darkened and his gaze hardened, he cocked his head to the side and his lips pressed together, he shot me a disapproving look. He pulled me away from the wall and took his final look at me, a scrap of jealously and an almost disappointed expression ran over his face before he returned to a deep, cold stare, one quite different from others I'd received before: it felt personal. I didn't want to let go of him, but all of a sudden his stature was icy, he moved away from me like I was nothing again, his touch rapidly cooled and the electricity on my skin had vanished.

Eren had made it to standing next to me,

'Were you with someone? I couldn't really see anything in the shadows but I thought I heard someone leave.'

'I-, no, no I wasn't' I looked at him sheepishly,

'You alright?' He asked, rubbing a hand on my arm. I quickly moved my arm away as if I suddenly had the desire to tuck my hair behind my ear.

'Yeah, just worried we'll get caught.' I lied through my teeth.

'Well, we're going to the same place, I might aswell walk with you now anyway.' He laughed and smiled at me, readying himself to leave.

'No, no, I-, I really need to get back.'

He looked at me, a little suprised,

'But, we're walking pretty much the same way?' He said, his lighthearted tone drifting in and out, unsure of what to

'Sorry.' I said, he reached out for my arm again and I shook my head, 'I'm sorry,' He took a slight step back and smiled weakly,

'That's okay. See you tomorrow?'

'Yeah.' I said, and nodded, 'Goodnight Eren.' giving him a measly attempt at a smile.

I left him and made my way back to the dorm at a brisk pace. I pushed open the door gently, and Christa was looking back at me, book in hand.

'Hey.' I whispered. She noticed my scattered expression and unfocused manner and scratched her head.

'You know what, I'm not even going to ask.'

Her presence was comforting, she smiled and I felt strongly at ease again.

I clambered into bed, ripping off my clothes and slipping into comfortable shorts and a vest. I lay on my back, staring dully at the low ceiling.



next morning


I walked with Christa on the way to the dining hall, my eye bags were in full swing and I watched like a zombie as she politely waved or smiled to everyone who walked past us. We sat down on our usual table with Mikasa, Armin, Eren and Jean.

'Do you two want a cup of tea? I'm going to get one.'  Jean offered with a friendly conveyance and I nodded happily. Armin offered me a piece of toast and I took it gratefully, knowing I was somewhat late to breakfast. My eyeline skated across the room and I spotted the Captain and Erwin in conversation. I averted my eyes as fast I could.

Eren watched me and turned around to see what I was looking at,

'Does he scare you?' Eren asked, I was suddenly reminded of everything that happened between us, The Captain and Eren, yesterday, everything all at once.

'Huh?' I asked, nerves running up and down my spine,

'The Captain?'

'Course not.' I managed to draw up an unexpected amount of conviction in my words and Eren seemed to believe me, I shrugged my shoulders and took a bite of my toast. I couldn't help but let my eyes flicker towards Levi and it was especially annoying as I had Eren's eyes glued to my face.

After 10 minutes of conversation, the bell rang, training had begun again. We all made our way out to the courtyard, continuing talking as we waited for the Captain's arrival.

'Morning.' Levi addressed us, holding a fresh cup of tea in his hand. A surprisingly cheerful introduction for him, I wondered what he was going to do.

Everyone fell silent.

'You're practising your ODM movement today, non supervised. You know the rules, don't cross the boundaries.' An cheerful uproar sounded from the crowd followed by quieter, but excited chatter amongst the group.

These were the only training days no one would dread, we were free to practice anything using ODM gear and most of it was spent doing tricks and tag. We all exchanged thrilled glances and grabbed the gear from infront of us as fast as we could, fastening it quickly to our sides. I stood by Mikasa and even she looked liked she was ready, she turned and gave me a quick smile before her gaze returned towards Eren.

He was was about to collect his gear, he leaned down, turning around and grinning at Armin as he went. As he reached for the attachment laid out on the floor, the Captain rested a hand upon it.

'I believe Erwin wanted to see you, Eren.' Levi nodded his head and pulled the attachment slowly out of Eren's hands.

'What, now? Can't I go later?' He whined and a dissatisfied expression crossed his face, he looked at me as if it was a cry for help but I held my hands up either side of my face to say I didn't know anything.

'You'll go to his office. Now.' Levi flipped the ODM gear around in his hands and raised an eyebrow at Eren,

'All the way to his office? Really, Captain?' He looked at Levi with anger and exasperation, Levi stared back at him blankly.

The Captains gaze switched to me for a second,

I swear I could see nothing but a smug look on his face before he quickly turned back to see Eren out of the doors. No one else seemed to notice his sly glance.


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