chapter 23

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previously: reiner had seen you teasing levi alone and accused you of only succeeding because of a relationship with the captain.


My fist collided with his face. Again.

I felt a tear wanting to well up in my eye, my anger was soon replaced with an overwhelming regret.

I didn't want to fight Reiner over Levi. I didn't want to give either of them another ounce of attention.

The second my knuckles made contact with Reiner's bone I knew: I knew that I would have to see the Captain. He would discipline me, follow his code of conduct as a 'Captain' and yet, we would continue our destructive cycle of desire. He would make me feel special and he would use me all over again.

The thought of his hands on my body- the night I spent in his room, allowing him to see me- clouded my vision. I saw Reiner's balled up fist pulling back, the anger on his face visceral.

Fight or Flight?

I ducked as fast as my reaction speed would allow and slowly began backing away. Reiner's sheer strength meant he was slow- he lumbered towards me.

I could hear Levi's words echoing, I could predict everything he was going to say to me- I didn't want to hear it, I didn't want to see his face.
Indeed, I had power over him in fleeting moments: when his vulnerabilities were exposed, when he allowed me to take control of his body. However, he showed his vulnerabilities carefully- ultimately, it was up to him what power I had over him.

I was the 'Cadet' and he was the 'Captain' after all.


My head hit the floor at an astonishing speed. The world span. I heard voices. The shadow looming over me was soon pulled away by the sounds and the hands of my friends. I felt a wet spray shower my face, Reiner spat.


I conceded. A helpless heap on the floor.



I woke up in an armchair. The cold leather against my skin felt familiar. My head pounded.


The room was familiar, the size, the organisation. My brain could hardly comprehend my surroundings, my vision was still blurred as I attempted consciousness.

I buried my face in my hands and I felt my body begin to shake.

Time felt slow. My head pounded.


My breath faltered. I rubbed my eyes roughly and saw infront of me a tall figure, blonde and calm in stature. Erwin.


He handed me a tissue and moved to the other side of the desk that was in front of the chair I sat in. I set out to stand from my chair but he quickly wafted his hand downwards.

The Captain usually had to be responsible for any disciplinary action against his Cadets. I wondered why Levi hadn't claimed my case this time- I wasn't sure if I was hurt or not.

I buried the thought of him and pulled my attention to the commanding figure in front of me.

'You know why you're here, don't you Cadet?' He spoke gently but with an air of supremacy.

I nodded.

'This isn't the first time you've had an altercation of this sort with Reiner. I'm not going to act like it's all your fault- or all his.'

I sniffed and rubbed my eyes again. I straightened my back and laid my hands in my lap.

'I believe your Captain has warned you about this type of behaviour in the past?'

I winced at the mention of him.

Any desire to answer back or make a snarky comment seemed to be squashed in Erwin's presence.

'I'm going by the book as I don't believe the Captain quite has done in the past.' He paused for a moment as if he was going to say something else.

A beat.

He continued
'You'll have to miss out on your group training drills for the next two weeks and you'll partake in circuit workouts instead to maintain your fitness.'

I nodded again.

'You are not permitted to speak to Reiner or about him. And, during your assigned free time you will help Hanji with her titans and help maintain the ODM gear.'

I nodded. I just wanted this whole thing to be over. I wanted the Captain to just be my Captain.

'Y/N, I understand the way Reiner has treated you has been unfair but you must understand not everything has to be a scene. You don't have to prove yourself in every situation.'

'I understand Commander.'


He walked over to the door and pulled it open, he gave me a reassuring nod and the pit in my stomach shrunk. The hallways were dimly lit- it must be 'lights out' soon.

I kept my head down and walked to the right, heading straight to my dormitory. My head was quiet.

My silence was broken by a rough brush past a shoulder. I saw papers scattered across the floor.


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