chapter 26

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A gruelling week of limited human contact and intense smells of bleach passed by. Eren and Jean had come past the kitchen a few times to observe me cleaning. They pointed and laughed.

They did offer me a few sympathetic smiles, however.

Levi had passed through where I was cleaning a few times- a 'Tch' escaped his lips every time he saw my work. He had adjusted my mop and complained about my technique a few times. He wanted the job well done- I'm sure he just wished it was his punishment.

The next week had rolled around and it was early. 4AM to be exact.

I woke up at 3:50AM. I didn't know what we'd be doing so I pulled on the same leggings and a black vest this time along with my jacket for warmth. I brushed my teeth and I seemed to spend a little longer looking in the mirror today. My eyebags seemed to scream at me and I couldn't help but study the details of my face. I quickly splashed it with water and patted it dry.


I quietly but quickly opened the door to my room and crept into the corridor, making my way down the familiar corridor to Levi's office.

As I lifted my hand to knock on the door it opened.


'You're late.' He sighed and looked at me disdainfully.

He stepped forward, closing the door behind him, only a few inches of space between us. My eyes, with some mind of their own looked down to his lips. He clearly hadn't slept. His eyebags were dark (as always) and he looked as if he had been awake for hours.

'Aw, you waited up for me?' I smiled sweetly, teasing him, knowing he was up because he's never slept a wink in his life.

He pushed past me and beckoned me to follow.

I trailed along behind him, each step more tiring than the first. The sleep deprivation coursed through me.

He kept on walking until we reached the large doors leading to the back of the barracks.

'Laps again.' Levi folded his arms and watched my expression drop,

'Oh, you're not serious?' I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster.

'Oh,' He exhaled, his gaze became sympathetic, I became hopeful.

I assumed too soon.

'Ten press-ups at the end of each lap.' The corner of his mouth twitched. He seemed to smile.

Sadistic fuck.

Pretty much the first and only instance I see him 'smile' is this?

'Go on, Cadet.'

'God, I'm going to-' I muttered curses under my breath as I stomped off to where I was to begin the laps.

'You'll what, Y/N?'

To hear my name out of his lips sounded embarrassingly good, it had been a while. I had started to wonder if he had forgotten it.

I raised my eyebrows at him and then continued walking. He faltered for a moment.

'Can we do combat again after this?' I turned around and asked, watching him, waiting for a response.

He paused. 'Whatever.'

I smiled to myself. I worked hard. Levi's eyes were once again trained on the tea in his hands that I wasn't sure when he made.

I ran for a long time, for an eternity. My arms, my core, my back, my chest, my lungs: all ached. I removed my jacket to stop myself from sweating a river. My shoulders and collar bones felt the cold breeze of the morning air and the gaze of Levi. I couldn't keep my track of him but I felt eyes on my body every once in a while. My stomach fluttered. 

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