chapter 21

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previously: levi suspects eren and y/n are spending too much time together and sends eren away from training

Eren closed the large courtyard doors behind him with a slam and Levi raised his eyebrows at me, I didn't allow my expression to falter, I fastened the ODM gear tightly and looked over to Mikasa who was already beckoning me over.

She offered me her hand and I took it, gladly.

She pushed off the ground with a degree of force and we carted off into the sky: she was by far the best at using the gear. We scaled the side of the huge stone walls that made up our dorms and somehow with an air of grace, she dragged me across the rooftops, she was in her element. She turned around and gave me a slight smile before diving backwards of the roof top and slowing down just at the right moment, hitting the ground with just the right amount of air.

I ran my hand over my hair, breathing heavily. It felt like forever we were up there yet it was only a few, savoured moments.

'Y/N.' Mikasa turned her body to face me and she slid down the wall to sit with her legs crossed comfortably.
I sat down beside her and watched as the cogs turned in her brain.

'Is it The Captain or Eren?' She asked, not breaking eye contact for even a moment,

I paused.

I searched and searched for an answer but nothing I thought could be articulated.

How could I answer that?

I wasn't entirely sure what she was asking, or even implying.

She nodded her head, willing me to respond,

'I'm not sure that I know what you mean?' I asked, every syllable more false.
Mikasa raised her eyebrows, she was showing more expression right now than I'd seen from her this year.

A beat.

She began to look at her nails and fiddle with the end of her scarf, waiting for my answer.

'Not Eren?' I answered, some elements of truth but some elements of my desperation to give her what she wanted to hear.

She exhaled and held her hand out to mine again. A sigh of relief.

We hurtled off into the sky again, hooking onto buildings, trees, walls and anything that could hold us. Mikasa directed us towards Jean and Armin so we could begin the first race of the day.

Each of us waited nervously at our makeshift starting line and Mikasa's yell echoed. We all set off immediately, the hiss of air erratically releasing itself from the gear. I surpassed Armin with ease, Jean was my next challenge.
I flew close to him, throwing him off. He looked at me, missing what was infront of him as he fell behind several feet. Almost there.

I was directly behind Mikasa, picking up speed in her streamline. I looked over my shoulder, checking Armin and Jean's progress but when my eyes were back infront of me, Mikasa was plummeting towards the ground, over the finish line. I laughed to myself and landed next to her.

We were in the courtyard, fuelling our gear and our bodies, ready for round two. Levi sat on a bench, Hanji next to him, reading some sort of a newspaper.

The courtyard doors burst open and it was Eren, his shoulders moved up and down quickly and his eyebrows were lowered on his face.

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