chapter 13

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previously on: You left Levi's room and saw Erwin as you left. You met up with everyone in the canteen.

'Are you sure you're okay, Y/N?' Mikasa asked from my right side as we ambled along the paved path outside the canteen towards the courtyard, I was suprised by her sudden kindness and she smiled softly, it was only a small smile, but it was genuine and it almost caught me off guard.

'Yeah, I suppose, just a little shaken up.' I answered, returning the kind face she gave me, she rubbed my arm and I felt a sense of warmth; she wasn't the biggest talker or anything social for that matter, it was sweet of her to show she cared.

The group stood aimlessly around the courtyard waiting for their Captain to give an order.

For some reason I thought Reiner wouldn't turn up, I suppose it was because he literally beat the crap out of me. But, I saw him, leaning on a tall stone wall huddled close to his friend, Bertolt.

His gaze met mine and we both immediately looked away. My stomach twisted at the thought of even being near him, let alone talking or working with him.

I watched the door, as if begging that Levi would come out of the entrance but he never came, I let half an ear onto Eren and Armin's conversation next to me, however it didn't seem to be anything significant.

The door to the courtyard opened, and out popped a smiling face, Hanji!

They nodded their head at me and I did the same, they walked towards us and shouted,

'Gather around, come on, come on.' They wafted their hands and ordered us into a line.

The group hastily clumped together in a line/semi-circle.

'So, you're probably wondering where the Captain went.' They paused and looked us up and down, 'He has some important business he needs to sort with the Commander.'

A few murmurs bounced around the group and I wondered to myself what happened for him to be pulled out of training.

'Quiet. It's none of your concern and I assure you everything is totally fine! We're going to be giving my titans a visit, we have a new one in today!' They beamed at us and the group shared worried looks,

Jean seemed to mumble in disagreement,

'You're not scared are you? They're lovely I promise.' Hanji laughed heartily and shook their head at Jean: a few snickers were let out towards Jean.

We watched the titans which were tied down to the floor as Hanji discussed what seemed to be everything under the sun about them, it was surprisingly interesting, even if the titans were an awfully unsettling sight.

The group had had a few hours of talking, walking around, sitting under trees while 'Titan Spotting' and writing down countless pieces of information. Everyone was free back to the living quarters or courtyard.

We all sat down at the tables inside for the free time we had as the clouds had grown thick and dark outside. It was evident the rain was on it's way.

'Hanji is weird, but they're interesting to listen to.' Eren said with his face cupped in his hands,

'They for sure love those Titans,' Jean rolled his eyes and looked at me,

'They're great, more fun than the Captain at least,' Jean scoffed and seemed to nod in agreement, we continued to talk and laugh about the day or anything for that matter. The rain slammed against the high windows and it clattered on the high roof.

Food was served and we all ate in peace. I realised I hadn't eaten yet today and found myself gorging on my food.

I finished my plate and immediately leant back and sighed, Eren looked up at me from opposite me on the long tables and laughed, I did the same.

I was listening to Historia in a discussion about the uniform being uncomfortable until the conversation seemed to dip a little and a voice sounded behind me,

again? I thought to myself.

'L/N, I need to speak to you-'

'Yeah, I'm coming.' I said and got up from my seat, I meekly waved at Historia and began to follow Levi to his office. He didn't even seem slightly bothered I interrupted him, something was wrong.

He let me through the tall door into the office. With the rain knocking on the window behind the desk, the smell of vanilla coming from the candle besides his bookshelf and the low orange glow from the flames, it felt cozy, safe almost.

He gestured towards the comfy chair Id sat in many times before infront of his desk and I immediately took a seat; he stood behind his desk and looked down at the papers, he reorganised them breathed gently, he smoothed down his shirt and slowly lowered himself into his chair. He tucked himself in without looking up, not even for a second.

Finally, he pushed the ink pen infront of him to the left and looked up at me. Shock ran through my body and I smiled slightly, without even meaning to.

'Alright, I know you don't want to be here just as much as I don't want you here anymore, but you seem to keep doing things that end you here, in my office.' He exhaled lightly and kept his grey eyes focused on mine,

'I didn't even do anything?' I said an obvious confused expression crossing my face, it felt like everything he did was a game to him, and even if it wasn't, it sure felt like it.

It was like nothing mattered to him.

'I'm aware of that, Cadet.' He still kept his eyes focused on me, the expression on his face still completely unchanging.

'Erwin wanted to speak to me about you today.'

'He did?'

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