chapter 4

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July 31st 1991

Privet Drive

It was Harry's birthday. He stayed asleep for the first time ever. He usually stayed awake but after one of the best summers of his life- usually summers were a countdown to school- he slept straight through. The cupboard was cold and as damp as it had always been but Harry slept well.

He woke at six as usual and began to make breakfast. He wondered if Hagrid would be being the one coming for him or someone else now. He was eleven years old.

The family was sitting down for breakfast when the door knocked. It was so loud that Harry didn't doubt it could be anyone but Hagrid.

"Who the blood hell is that?!" Vernon stood up and walked to the door. "Who the bloody hell do y-y-you think you are knocking on my door like that?"

"Ah Vernon Dudley the great muggle man." Hagrid laughed heartily. "I'm 'ere to pick up 'arry."

"What do you want with the boy?" Vernon growled.

"I need to take 'im to pick up his 'ogwarts things."

"What?! He's not going to that school-"

"Hello. I'm Harry."

"'ello 'arry. You've gotten so big."

"You look familiar." Harry told him. "I had a dream about you and a flying motorbike."

"I've told you boy motorbikes don't fly!"

Hagrid ignored the muggle man. "You remembered." He said, grinning "That's how I brought you here."

"I read my letter. Can I really learn magic?"

"Of course. I could tell you so many stories about your parents at Hogwarts."

"My parents went? I never knew." He faked innocents. And then all hell broke loose for Hagrid.

"You didn't tell him about his parents, the greatest witch and wizard of their generation?" Hagrid ranted at Vernon and Petunia joined in ranting about Harrys mother and the 'freak' she married.

It was a moment before Hagrid lost his temper and Dudley got his famous pigs tail. With all the squealing and mothering of Dudley; Harry and Hagrid were able to escape.

"Can't believe you 'ave to live with them."

"It's not all bad, they let me see Mrs Figg a lot." He explained, as they headed towards London. "She's an old Lady who lives a few streets over. She has lots of cats- they're huge you know." Harry distracted the half giant with small talk whilst his inner self wept tears of Joy at Dursley misfortune; he was too shocked the last time to really enjoy it.

Hagrid took him into the Ally and the ten-year-old part of Harry still was filled with wonder. He admired every shop taking in all the details he had missed every time before. The Ally was bustling with people hurrying around doing their own shopping. Some were in muggle clothes but most were in simple wizard robes. There were lots of children out today; crowding around the broom store and the sweet shops.

Harry made a list of his supplies as he admired the scenery; he needed to get a few things that weren't on his list. He may have to come back without Hagrid but hoped not.

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