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Harry was ecstatic to see Draco smiling when they met on the platform. "Hey Dray, how was your holiday?"

"Hi Harry, Hi Zana." Draco stroked the cat on the head. "I was decorating, New room. Mom made me Visit my Aunt Androgdma."

"Andromeda, Draco. She's my sister; its only right to visit with her."

"I know mother."

"Ms Black. Have you heard about your cousin?"

"You're asking about Sirius?"


"I've heard Mr Potter." Harry nodded slowly; Narcissa sighed. "I hold a rare belief Mr Potter. I knew Sirius well and only the Imperious Curse would have made him Betray James Potter."

"You're sure?" Harry smiled.

"I wouldn't stake my life on it but yes. Are you Happy now Mr Potter?"

Harry nodded. "You're living in his house."

"That I am."

"Do you like it?" Harry smiled and released all the tension with those few words.

"You could come and visit some time Mr Potter." Narcissa smiled. "I'm sure Draco would love that."

"Thank you Ms Black." Narcissa smiled.

"Well yes Draco any of your friends can come over at Christmas. That nice Muggleborn or the Weasley boy."

"Thank you Mother." Draco hugged her. "We're going to get on the train-"

"Harry! Draco." Ron shouted as He rushed over with the Twins, Hermione and Ginny. "Hey guys!"

"Hey Ron." Harry hugged the closest boy. "You look red."

"We went to Egypt." He told them with a smile.

"Wow. That cool. I've always wanted to go."

"Come on guys let's get on the train." Harry gave his friends a subconscious nudge.

"I'm going to find Gen and Luna." Ginny left with slightly pink cheeks as Harry dragged his friends off. He brought them straight to Remus Lupin with a huge grin. "Harry there's already someone in here."

"I know come on guys." Harry pulled them all to sit down.

"Is he okay?" Hermione asked.

"Just tired. He's just got past his time of the month." Now Hermione eyed Harry judgingly. The train began to roll away. Harry took a huge breath and nudged the man in the arm. Hermione looked outraged. "Excuse me?"

"Hello?" Remus looked up at his lifelong friend. Oh no not James, the boy had Lilys eyes. This was Harry; little Harry.

"I didn't mean to wake you it's just… you look like my Uncle Moony. I just couldn't-" Harry smiled as Remus hugged him; Harry leaned into the hug.

"Hi Harry." The words filled all over Remus. Moony; Uncle Moony.

"Uncle…?" Harry smiled over the shoulder of Remus Lupin; one of his father's best friends. One of his truest allies.

"Yeah. That's me." Harry's eyes became damp at the look of joy and sadness on the Professor's face. "Harry. God you've gotten so big."

"Umm Harry is this the Werewolf uncle you were telling us about?" Draco asked Remus looked down at him.

"Guys this is my Uncle Remus Lupin. Uncle Moony these are my best friends. Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Draco Black."

"Nice to meet you."

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